Functions and duties of the department of Finance

The Finance department performs its tasks and powers according to the provisions of law on financial field and the following specific tasks and powers:

1. Submits to the Provincial People's Committee:

a/ Decision, directive and other document drafts under the promulgation competence of the Provincial People's Committee in the financial domain;
b/ Program, long - term, five - year and annual plan drafts on financial domain according to overall socio - economic development plans of localities;
c/ Program and measure drafts to organize the performance of State administrative reform tasks in the field of State management of the department according to the provisions of law;
d/ Document drafts specifying functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the department;
e/ Document drafts specifying the conditions and criterias for the Head and Deputy Head of the department; Heads and Deputy Heads of the Finance - Planning sections of People's Committee of districts, towns and cities;
f/ Decentralization plan drafs for revenue sources and spending tasks of each local budget level; setting norms for distribution of local budget expenditure estimate; the charge and fee regimes and contributions of people according to the law provisions submitting to the Provincial People's Council for decision according to their competence;
g/ Decentralization plan drafts for revenue sources and spending tasks of each local budget level; setting norms for distribution of local budget expenditure estimates; the charge and fee regimes and contributions of people according to law provisions submitting to the Provincial People's Council for decision according to their competence;
h) Budget estimate for local budget adjustment; the budget balancing plans and necessary measures to fulfill the assigned budget revenue and expenditure tasks for submission to the Provincial People's Council for decision according to their competence;
i/ The plan on rearrangement and handling of houses, land and other properties under the State ownership and local management.

2. Submits to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee:

a/ Decision, directive and other document drafts under the promulgation competence of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in the domain of State management of the department;
b/ Decision drafts on the establishment, merger, division, reorganization, dissolution of units under the department according to the provisions of law.

3. Assists the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in state management of finance of enterprises, collective economic organizations, private enterprises, associations and non-governmental organizations under the management of the department  according to regulations of the law.

4. Assists the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in directing, guiding, inspecting, communicating, propagating and disseminating education and monitoring the implementation of the law in the field of finance; advising on legal issues and participating in legal proceedings; organizing the implementation of legal documents, policies, plannings, plans, programs, projects, schemes within the scope of state management of the department after the competent authorities or approval.

5. Manages to the state budget, taxes, charges, fees and other state budget revenues:

a/ Summing up and making estimates of the state budget revenues in localities, local budget revenue and expenditure estimates and provincial budget allocation plans and reporting them to the Provincial People's Committee for submission to the People's Council for decision;
Guiding the administrative agencies, non-business units under the province and the subordinate financial agencies in elaborating the annual state budget estimates according to the provisions of law;
Examining and verifying budget estimates of agencies and units of the same level and budget estimates of subordinates.
b/ Coordinating with the concerned agencies in managing the collection of taxes, fees, charges and other revenues in localities;
c/ Inspecting and supervising the management and using of budgets at agencies and units; requesting the State Treasury to suspend payment upon detecting that the expenditures exceed the estimates, spending on wrong policies or regimes or failing to abide by the State's reporting regime;
d/ Appraising the settlement of state budget revenues arising in districts, the settlement of district budget revenues and expenditures; appraising or approving and notifying finalization of administrative agencies, non-business units and other organizations using the provincial budget according to regulations;
Synthesizing the state budget revenues and expenditures, making annual general budget settlement reports for localities and submitting them to the Provincial People's Committee for reporting to the Provincial People's Council for approval, then reporting them to the Finance Ministry;
e/ Managing the local financial reserve fund in accordance with the provisions of law;
f/ Uniformly managing loans and aids granted to localities according to the provisions of law; the State financial management of foreign aid directly to localities belonging to local budget revenues; assisting the Provincial People's Committee in carrying out the issuance of bonds and other forms of borrowing in the locality in accordance with the law on the State budget and the law on debt management;
g/ Guiding and inspecting the implementation of the financial autonomy mechanism of public non-business units and the regime of autonomy, accountability for administrative management for the State administration agencies according to the provisions of law;
h/ Guiding and organizing the implementation of the State budget financial publicity regime according to the provisions of law;
i/ Summing up the results of implementation of the inspection and auditing proposals in the domain of budgetary finance and reports to the Provincial People's Committee;
j/ Guiding and organizing the implementation of the law on thrift practice and waste combat in the use of the budget and public finance according to the provisions of law.

6. Manages of the State property in localities:

a/ Elaborating and submitting to the Provincial People's Committee documents guiding the management and using of the State property and decentralizing the State management of the State property under locality management;
b/ Guiding and inspecting the implementation of the regime of management of the State property; proposing financial measures to ensure the efficient management and use of the State property according to the competence of localities;
c/ Deciding according to the competence or submitting to the Provincial People's Committee for decision according to the competence of the purchase and establishment of the State ownership about property, recovery, transfer, liquidation, sale, lease or leased , transfer and destruction of the State property and other forms of settlement; assigning state assets to public non-business units with financial autonomy with financial autonomy for production, business, service provision, lease and joint venture , link;

7. Performs the State financial management of funds set up by local competent agencies according to the law provisions (development investment fund, land development fund, road maintenance fund, environmental protection fund, forest protection and development fund, housing development fund, credit guarantee fund for small and medium enterprises, ...);

a/ Coordinating the formulation of the scheme on the establishment and operation of funds and reporting them to the Provincial People's Committee for approval or submission to competent authorities for approval; advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in deciding on the mode of operation, subjects of investment and lending; interest rate; charter capital; dissolving funds according to the provisions of law;
b/ Guiding, monitoring, inspecting and supervising the operation of funds; inspecting and supervising the observance of the financial management regime, reporting on the fund's operation results periodically according to the prescribed regime and performing other tasks assigned by the Provincial People's Committee;
c/ Inspecting and supervising the use of local budget capital entrusted to entrusted organizations (development investment fund, state financial institution, ...) to implement the prize loan, interest rate supporting according to the objectives set by the Provincial People's Committee.

8. Manages of financial enterprises:

a/ Guiding the implementation of policies and regimes on the management of enterprise finance of various forms of enterprise, cooperative finance and collective economy; adopting financial policies in service of ownership transformation, rearrangement of state enterprises, conversion of public non-business units into enterprises, equitization of public non-business units, management, preservation and the State capital in the enterprise;
b/ Inspecting and handling acts of violating the observance of the legislation on finance and accounting by enterprises of various types in localities according to the provisions of law;
c/ Managing the State-owned capital and assets at enterprises, cooperative economic organizations, collective economies set up by localities according to the provisions of law; implementing the rights and the obligations of the representative of the owner of the State capital portions at enterprises as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee;
d/ Inspecting the management and using of state capital and assets, the distribution of incomes, the setting up and use of funds of State enterprises set up by localities; Performing the functions of supervising and evaluating the operation efficiency of State enterprises set up by localities and enterprises with state capital as prescribed by law;
e/ Summing up the situation on ownership or rearrangement of State enterprises; analyzing and evaluating the financial situation of enterprises with 100%  state capital and enterprises with the state capital established or contributed by localities and reporting them to the Provincial People's Committee and the Finance Minister;
e/ Managing the deduction and use of salaries, remuneration and bonuses of supervisors and representatives of state capital in enterprises according to the provisions of law;
f/ Summing up and evaluating the implementation of the financial mechanism in service of the policy on development of cooperatives and collective economy in localities according to the provisions of law;
g/ Being the focal point for receiving financial statements of foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises and synthesizing and analyzing the financial situation of FDI enterprises according to the prescribed regime in service of social-economic development policies, attracting foreign investment capital in localities according to the provisions of law.

9. Manages price and price appraisal:

a/ Submiting to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for promulgation according to their competence or submiting to competent authorities for promulgation orientations for management, administration and price stabilization every year, five and ten years under their management of the Provincial People's Committee; drafting legal documents guiding price and price appraisal in localities according to the provisions of law; stipulating the order and procedures for evaluating price options and decentralizing price decisions for goods and services under the price-determining competence of provincial-level People's Committee;
b/ Deciding or submiting to competent authorities for price decisions on assets, goods and services as assigned or decentralized by the Provincial People's Committee;
c/ Appraising price options at the proposals of the branches, domains and production units sumitting to the Provincial Peple Committee for decision according to provisions of law;
d/ Assuming and coordinating with concerned agencies inspecting price formation constituents according to law provisions;
e/ Organizing price consultations according to the provisions of law, performing the function of specialized price inspection in the provinces according to the provisions of law;
f/ Assuming and coordinating with concerned agencies proposing the Provincial People's Committee to decide on price stabilization measures in localities according to the law of provisions; organizing the implementation of measures to stabilize prices; making additional declarations of prices in localities according to the provisions of law;
g/ Advising the Provincial People's Committee on the assignment and organization of price appraisal of state property under the locality management;
h/ Building, managing, operating and exploiting databases in localities for prices in accordance with law.

10. Guides, manages and inspects the observance of law provisions by organizations providing financial services in the fields of finance, accounting, independent auditing, financial investment, lottery business enterprises, betting and games in the area according to the provisions of law.

11. Provides professional guidance on the financial domain under the management of the department for the Finance-Planning office of the district-level People's Committee.

12. Inspects, examines and settles complaints and denunciations; handles according to competence or propose competent authorities to handle law-breaking acts in the domainss under the scope of the state management; prevents, combats corruption and negative phenomena and practice thrift and combat wastefulness in the use of assigned assets and funds according to the provisions of law.

13. Manages the organizational apparatus, the payroll of punlic officials, the structure of public officials' rank,; carries out the salary regime and policies, preferential treatment, training, fostering, commendation, transfer, appointment, rotation, secondment, resignation, discipline, dismissal, retirement for public officials, employees and laborers under the management of the department as decentralized by the Provincial People's Committee and in accordance with the law.

14. Carries out international cooperation in the field of finance according to the provisions of law and the assignment or authorization of the Provincial People's Committee.

15. Organizes the application of information technology; builds, manages and exploits the information and archives system in service of the financial and property management as well as the assigned professional operations; assumes for publishing financial data and supplying financial statistical information in localities according to the provisions of law.

16. Manages and takes responsibility for the assigned finance according to regulations and under the assignment or authorization of the Provincial People's Committee.

17. Conducts information work and reporting on the performance of assigned tasks with the Provincial People's Committee, ministries and ministerial-level agencies.

18. Performs other tasks assigned by the Provincial People's Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and in accordance with the law.

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