Functions and duties of the department of Justice

TraVinh Justice department is a specialized agency under the People's Committee of Tra Vinh province, which is responsible for advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee (PPC) in the state management of law enforcement and construction; monitoring law enforcement; inspecting and handling legal documents; control of administrative procedures; legislation; dissemination and education of law; conciliation at grassroots level; civil; nationality; authentication; adoption; judicial records; state compensation; legal aid; lawyer; legal advice; notarized; judicial expertise; auction of assets; commercial arbitration; manager, the enterprise managing and liquidating assets, and the practice of property management and liquidation; supervising the implementation of the law on handling of administrative violations and other judicial work according to the provisions of law.
Duties and powers:
1. Submitting to the PPC:
a/ Draft of decisions, directives and other legal documents issued by the People's Council and People's Committee of Tra Vinh province in the judicial domain;
b/ Draft long-term, five-year and annual plans; schemes, projects, programs and measures to perform the tasks of state administrative reform, judicial reform, construction and improving the legal system under the decision authority of the People's Council and People's Committee in the judicial domain;
c/ Draft of planning on development of lawyer's profession, notarization, property auction, managerial and other legal professions in localities under the State management scope of Tra Vinh Provincial People's Committee;
d/ Draft of legal document specifying the conditions and criteria for titles of Heads and Deputy-Heads of units under the Justice department; Chief, Deputy Director of Justice department of People's Committees of districts, towns and cities.
2. Submitting to the Chairperson of the PPC:
a/ Draft of decisions on the establishment, merger, splitting or dissolution of organizations and units under the Justice department according to the provisions of law;
b/ Draft of special decisions and directives under the promulgation competence of the Chairperson of Provincial People's Committee over the judicial work of the provinces.
3. Organizing the implementation of legal documents, plannings, plans, programs, schemes and projects in the judicial domain, which have been decided and approved by competent authorities.
4. Regarding the elaboration of legal documents:
a/ Coordinating with the Provincial People's Committee Office to submit to the PPC for approval and adjustment of the legal document development program of the PPC; coordinating with the Office of the PPC to draft a plan for building resolutions of the Provincial People's Council so that the PPC can submit to the Provincial People's Council in accordance with the law;
b/ Participating in the drafting of legal documents under the promulgation authority of the provincial People's Committee, presided over by other professional agencies of the provincial People's Committee;
c/ Evaluating draft legal normative documents issued by Provincial People's Council and Provincial People's Committee in accordance with the law;
d/ Organizing the gathering of people's opinions on projects and draft legal documents under the direction of the PPC and the Justice ministry.
5. Regarding the law enforcement follow-up:
a/ Elaborating and submitting to the PPC for promulgation and organizing the implementation of plans on monitoring the law enforcement situation in their respective localities;
b/ Guiding, urging and inspecting the professional agencies under the PPC, People's Committees of districts, provincial towns and cities in monitoring the law enforcement situation in their respective localities; proposing to the PPC handling of the results of monitoring the implementation of the law;
c/ Summing up and making reports on the situation of law enforcement in the localities and proposing measures to settle difficulties and problems in law enforcement with the PPC and the Ministry of Justice;
d/ Monitoring the implementation of law in the judicial fields under the state management of the People's Committee of Tra Vinh province.
6. Regarding inspection and handling of legal documents:
a/ Assisting Tra Vinh PPC in examining documents promulgated by the PPC;
b/ Checking legal normative documents of Provincial People's Council and People's Committees of districts, towns and cities; instructing specialized agencies under the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to self-examine legal normative documents and examine legal normative documents of People's Councils and People's Committees of communes, wards and towns according to the provisions of law;
c/ Advising the Chairperson of the PPC on the handling of unlawful documents detected; inspecting and urging the application of measures to handle unlawful documents according to the provisions of law.
7. Organizing the review and systematizing legal documents of Provincial People's Council and People's Committee in accordance with the law; urging, guiding and summing up the results of review and systematization of professional agencies under the PPC and People's Committees of districts, cities and towns.
8. Regarding the control of administrative procedures:
a/ Providing professional guidance and training on administrative procedures and administrative procedure reform; organizing the review and assessment of administrative procedures within the scope of settling competence of the local administrations at all levels according to the provisions of law;
b/ Giving comments and appraisals on administrative procedures in draft legal documents under the promulgating competence of the Provincial People's Council and the PPC;
c/ Urging the concerned departments, agencies and units to make statistics on new administrative procedures issued, amending or supplement administrative procedures; quality control and data entry of administrative procedures, related documents already published in the National Database of Administrative Procedures; creating a link between the PPC’s website and the national database on administrative procedures;
d/ Organizing the receipt, study and proposal of handling of reports and petitions of individuals and organizations on administrative regulations under the competence of the People's Committee and Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee; monitoring and urging handling of complaints and petitions of individuals and organizations on administrative regulations at departments, People's Committees of districts, People's Committees of communes and other related units;
e/ Organizing studying, proposing and submitting to the PPC initiatives on administrative procedure reform and relevant regulations; monitoring, urging and guiding the concerned units in organizing the implementation thereof after they are approved by the Chairperson of the PPC;
e/ Assisting the PPC in inspecting the implementation of administrative procedure control activities at departments, branches, sectors, People's Committees of districts and communes.
f/ Proposing the Provincial People's Committee to set up the system of focal office employees to perform the tasks of controlling administrative procedures according to the part-time regime at the departments, branches, sectors, People's Committees of districts, communes and related units in the locality;
g/ Performing the task of controlling administrative procedures and reforming administrative procedures for the domains under the Justice department.
 9. Regarding the law dissemination and education and conciliation at the grassroots:
a/ Elaborating and submitting to the PPC for promulgation programs and plans on law dissemination and education and organizing the implementation after the programs and plans are promulgated;
b/ Monitoring and guiding the work of law dissemination and education in localities; urging and inspecting specialized agencies under the PPC, concerned agencies and organizations as well as People's Committees of districts in organizing the Law Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
c/ Performing the tasks of the standing agencies of the People’s Council for the dissemination and education of provincial laws;

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