Functions and duties of the Department of Construction


Construction Department is a specialized agency under the People's Committee of Tra Vinh province; performs the functions of advising and assisting the People's Committee of Tra Vinh province in performing the state management of the following domains: construction planning and architecture; construction investment activities; urban development; technical infrastructure of urban centers and industrial parks, economic zones and hi-tech parks (including water supply and drainage in urban centers and industrial parks, economic zones and hi-tech parks; usually in urban areas, industrial parks, economic zones, hi-tech parks and material production establishments build; light of the city; urban parks and trees; managing cemeteries, excluding martyrs' cemeteries; the urban transport infrastructure, excluding the management, exploitation, use and maintenance of urban transport infrastructure; management of urban underground construction; management the common use of urban technical infrastructure); houses; offices; real estate market; building materials; on public services in the areas of state management of the Department; performs a number of tasks and exercise other powers as assigned and authorized by the People's Committee of Tra Vinh province and according to the provisions of law.

Duties and powers:

Tra Vinh Construction Department has the following tasks and powers:
1/ Submitting to Tra Vinh Provincial People's Committee:
a) Drafting decisions, directives, documents on the assignment, decentralization and authorization in the areas of state management of the Department within the scope of responsibilities and competence of Tra Vinh Provincial People's Committee.
b/ Drafting long-term, five-year and annual plans, programs and projects in the branches and domains under the State management scope of Tra Vinh People's Committee.
c/ Drafting programs and measures to implement state administrative reform tasks in the areas of the State management of the provincial departments, in line with the objectives and contents of the overall programs.
d/ Drafting documents detailing the conditions and criteria for titles of   Heads and Deputy Heads of units attached to the Department; Heads and Deputy Heads of the urban management sections and economic and infrastructure sections under the district-level People's Committees.
2/ Submitting to the President of the People's Committee of the province:
a/ Drafting decisions, directives and other documents under the promulgation competence of the President of Tra Vinh Provincial People's Committee in the domains under the state management of the Department.
b/ Drafting decisions on the establishment, merger, splitting, reorganization or dissolution of the units attached to the Department according to the provisions of law.
3/ Guiding, inspecting and taking responsibility for organizing the implementation of the approved legal documents, standards, development plannings, plans, programs and projects approved under state management of the Department; propagating, disseminating and educating the law and information on the state management domains of the Department.
4/ Regarding to construction planning, architecture (including: regional construction planning, urban planning, rural construction planning, specialized area planning, urban design, management space, architecture, urban landscape):
a/ Guiding, examining and organizing the implementation of standards on construction planning, architecture, regulations on elaboration, appraisal and approval of plannings on construction planning and urban planning;
b/ Organizing the elaboration and appraisal of regulations on management of urban planning and architecture under the approving and promulgating competence of the Provincial People's Committee; guiding and coordinating with People's Committee of district in elaborating and appraising regulations on management of urban planning and architecture under the approving and promulgating competence of People's Committee of district; guiding and inspecting the implementation of regulations on management of urban planning and architecture after they are approved and promulgated by competent authorities;
c/ Organizing the elaboration, evaluation and submission to the Provincial People's Committee for approval or the Provincial People's Committee for submission to competent authorities for appraisal and approval of construction planning schemes and urban plannings according to regulations of the law;
d/ Guiding investors in organizing the elaboration of construction planning schemes under the approving competence of the Provincial People's Committee;
e/ Guiding the People's Committee of district in organizing evaluating and approving of commune-level general planning blueprints and rural construction plannings according to decentralization;
f) Managing and organizing the implementation of approved construction plannings in the province according to the decentralization, including publicizing construction plannings; managing dossiers of landmarks, construction landmarks; issuing planning permits and granting construction planning certificates; introducing the location of construction and orientation of technical infrastructure; providing information on planning and architecture;
g/ Guiding and inspecting the observance of law provisions on the conditions for practice of architects and urban planning engineers and the capability of individuals and organizations involved in construction planning design category II and III; planning ideas competition; contesting, selecting architectural design projects in the province;
h/ Building and managing a database on construction planning in the province.
5/ Regarding to construction investment activities:
a/ Guiding and inspecting the implementation of law provisions in construction investment activities, including elaboration, appraisal and approval of construction investment projects; surveying, designing construction; granting construction permits; construction, acceptance, warranty and maintenance of construction works; construction testing and construction inspection; safety in construction; management of construction investment expenses; managing the conditions on construction activities of organizations and individuals and granting licenses for operation to foreign contractors.
b/ Organizing the appraisal of construction investment projects, construction designs and construction cost estimates according to the decentralization; guiding and inspecting the evaluation and examination of construction investment projects, construction designs and construction cost estimates according to law provisions.
c/ Guiding and examining the selection of contractors in construction investment activities according to the provisions of law in their respective province.
d/ Advising the Provincial People's Committee on state management over activities of the Provincial Investment Project Management Board set up by the Provincial People's Committee.
e/ Organizing the performance of tasks of state management over the quality of construction works according to the provisions of law.
f) Organizing the inspection of the quality of construction works and the inspection of construction work incidents according to the assignment and assignment by the Provincial People's Committee; monitoring, synthesizing and reporting to competent authorities the situation of construction work incidents according to regulations.
g/ Guiding the work of elaboration and management of work construction investment expenditures in the province; the list of construction unit prices, labor unit prices, machinery and construction equipment prices, construction materials prices, construction survey prices, construction costs and prices of construction materials and components and norms of estimates of specific jobs of construction investment projects in the province not included in the list of construction norms announced by the Ministry of Construction; advising and proposing to the Provincial People's Committee guidance on the application or application of construction norms, unit prices, construction price index and investment capital ratio for construction investment projects using sources budget of the locality.
h/ Advising the Provincial People's Committee in granting, adjusting, extending and withdrawing construction permits according to the decentralization.
i/ Granting, adjusting and withdrawing construction permits for foreign contractors engaged in construction activities according to the decentralization.
j/ Granting category II and III certificates to organizations involved in construction activities; inspecting the implementation of law provisions on conditions on capability of construction practice of individuals and conditions on construction activity of organizations participating in construction investment activities. Organizing the examination, granting, re-grant and withdrawal of professional practice certificates for individuals and certificates of capability for organizations involved in construction activities according to law provisions; guiding and inspecting the grant, re-grant, withdrawal and management of construction practice certificates.

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