Functions and duties of the Department of Home Affairs


The Home Affairs Department is a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee, which has the functions of advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in performing the state management over the organizational apparatus; job placement; civil officials' ranks in administrative agencies and organizations; employment position, structure of civil officials by professional title and number of people working in public service delivery agencies; salary for officials, public employees, contract laborers in administrative agencies, administrative organizations and public non-business units; administrative reform, civil service reform, civil officials; local government; administrative boundaries; officials of communes, wards and townships (hereinafter referred to as commune level); training and fostering cadres and officials as well as commune-level cadres and civilofficials; Commune-level non- partisans; associations, non-governmental organizations; letters and archives; religion; emulation - commendation and youth work.

Duties and powers:

1. Submitting to the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee drafts of decisions and directives; drafts of long-term, five-year and annual plans; dafts of projects, programs and measures to organize the implementation of administrative reform tasks in the branches and domains under the state management scope of the Department of Home Affairs in the province.

2. Organizing the implementation of approved legal documents, plannings, plans, schemes, projects; providing information, propagandizing, guiding, inspecting, disseminating, educating and monitoring the implementation of law in the domains under the scope of the state management.

3. Organizational structure:

a/ Submitting to the Provincial People's Committee for the decision of the decentralization of the organizational apparatus management for professional agencies and public non-business units under the Provincial People's Committee and People's Committee of district;

b/ Submitting to the Provincial People's Committee proposals for establishment, merger, splitting, dissolution of professional agencies under the Provincial People's Committee and People's Committee of district for submission to competent authorities for decisions according to regulations.

c/ Submitting to the Provincial People's Committee for promulgation documents detailing the functions, duties, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Home Affairs;

d/ Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in elaborating the schemes on establishment, reorganization and dissolution of public non-business units under the provincial People's Committees for submission to competent authorities for decision according to regulations;

e/ Evaluating the content of drafts of documents defining the functions, duties, powers and organizational structures of the specialized agencies and public non-business units under the Provincial People's Committees. Appraising schemes on the establishment, reorganization and dissolution of public non-business units under the deciding competence of the Provincial People's Committee;

f) Appraising the establishment, consolidation, merger and dissolution of inter-branch coordination organizations under the deciding competence of the Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee according to the provisions of law;

g/ Coordinating with professional agencies of the same level to guide People's Committee of district in defining the functions, duties, powers and organizational structures of specialized sections and public non-business units under the People's Committee of district;

h/ Assuming and coordinating with the concerned provincial functional agencies guiding, monitoring and inspecting the classification and classification of public non-business units of the province according to law provisions.

4. Regarding to management and use of civil officials, the number of people working in public non-business units:

a/ Appraising and submitting to the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee the plan on the payroll of public employees and the plan on the number of people working each year by the public agencies, organizations and public-service units to submit to the Ministry of Home Affairs according to regulations;

b/ Assisting the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee in submitting to the People's Council of the same level for the decision of the total payroll of public employees in the units of the People's Council, the People's Committee and public non-business units belonging to the Provincial People's Committee and People's Committee of district within the scope of civil official assigned by the Ministry of Home Affairs;

c/ Basing on the evaluation opinions of the Ministry of Home Affairs, assisting the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee in submitting to the People's Council of the same level for approval the total number of people working in public non-business units; advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in organizing and inspecting the implementation after they are approved by the People's Council of the same level;

d/ Guiding management and use of payroll of civil officials and the number of working people for professional agencies under the Provincial People's Committee, People's Committee of district and public non-business units according to regulations.

e/ Synthesizing, making statistics, reporting on the payroll, the number of employees and the implementation of the payroll of public officials, the number of people working in administrative agencies and organizations, public non-business units according to regulations the law.

5. Regarding to the management of employment positions, the structure of civil official rank and the structure of professional titles of civil official (hereinafter referred as the title structure of public officials):

a/ Submitting to the Provincial People's Committee for promulgation documents guiding and directing the agencies, organizations and units under the provincial management to elaborate job placement schemes, the titles of public officials; project on adjustment of employment position, structure of titles of public officials according to regulations;

b/ Assisting the Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee and the Provincial People's Committee evaluating the job placement scheme, the title structure of the public official in agencies, organizations and units under management according to regulations;

c/ Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in compiling the list of jobs, guiding the formulation of job placement scheme, the structure of civil official' title or scheme on job placement and the structure of public official and employee of the agencies, organizations and units under the provincial management for the Provincial People's Committee to send to the Ministry of Home Affairs for approval according to regulations;

d/ Submitting to the Provincial People's Committee for decision decentralization or authorization to use and manage the job positions and the structure of titles of public officials and employees in the agencies, organizations and units under the provincial administration in accordance with the law.

6. Regarding to the organization of the administration:

a/ Guiding the organization and operation of agencies attached to the local administrations of all levels in the province according to law provisions;

b/ Advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in organizing and guiding the election of National Assembly Deputies and the election of Deputies to the People's Councils at all levels;

c/ Advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee submitting to the Provincial People's Council for the election, dismissal or removal from office of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and other members of the Provincial People's Committee;

d/ Advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee submitting to the competent levels for approval the election results and ratifying the dismissal or removal of the election officials according to the provisions of law;

e/ Evaluating and submitting to the Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee for approval the election results and ratifying the dismissal or removal of members of the People's Committee of district according to the provisions of law;

f/ Advising and submitting to the Chairperson of the Provincial People's Committee the appointment or re-appointment of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and members of People's Committee of district where pilot projects are conducted, without organizing the People's Council according to regulations. ;

g/ Advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in statistics, summing up and reporting on the number and quality of Deputies of the People's Council and members of the People's Committee at the levels according to regulations;

h/ Advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in guiding, inspecting, summing up and reporting on the implementation of democracy in communes, wards, towns, administrative agencies, enterprises in the province and the implementation of public administration work according to the provisions of law;

i/ Guiding and inspecting the operation of hamlets and population groups according to the provisions of law;

j) Advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee in directing, guiding and inspecting People's Committee of district and People's Committee of commune in elaborating and implementing documents and schemes related to the work of building new rural areas as assigned by the Provincial People's Committee according to the provisions of law.

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