Functions and duties of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment


The Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Tra Vinh province is a specialized agency under Tra Vinh Provincial People's Committee, performs the functions of advising and assisting Tra Vinh Provincial People's Committee in the State management over natural resources and environment, including land; water resource; mineral resource, geology; environment; hydro-meteorology; climate change; surveying and mapping; general and united management of sea; managing and organizing the implementation of public services in areas within the scope of the Department.

Duties and powers:

1. Submitting Provincial People’s Committee:

a/ Drafts of decisions or directives; long-term, five-year and annual plans; programs, projects, measures to organize the implementation of the tasks of natural resources and environment and the state administrative reform under the state jurisdiction of the Department.

b/ Drafts of document defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

c/ Drafts of document stipulating conditions, criteria and titles for Heads and Deputy Heads of units under the Department; Heads and Deputy - Heads of professional sections of district - level People's Committees within the scope of their assigned state management.

2. Submitting to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee:

a/ Drafts of documents under the promulgation authority of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in the domain of natural resources and environment.

b/ Drafts of decisions on the establishment, merger, splitting, dissolution and reorganization of organizations and units of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment.

c/ Drafts of document on the relationship and coordination between the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the concerned Departments, Branches and People's Committees of district level.

3. Organizing the implementation of legal documents, plannings, plans, programs, schemes and projects on natural resources and environment after they are approved; information, propaganda, guidance, dissemination, education, monitoring law enforcement and raising public awareness on natural resources and environment in the area.

4. Managing, organizing the expertise, registration, licensing, diplomas and certificates within the ambit of their functions and tasks assigned or decentralized or authorized by the Provincial People's Committee and the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

5. Regarding to land:

a/ Assuming and coordinating with the concerned agencies, elaborating and adjusting local land use plannings and plans for submission to the Provincial People's Committees; guiding, monitoring and inspecting the implementation of approved land use plannings and plans.

b/ Organizing the evaluation of land use plannings and plans submitted by People's Committees of district level to the Provincial People's Committees for approval; monitoring and inspecting the implementation of approved district - level land use plannings and plans.

c/ Advising the Provincial People's Committees on the quota allocation and recognition of residential land for households; the land use right certificates are granted to households and individuals who themselves clear land for agricultural production; the quotas for allocation of vacant land, bare hills or land with water surface in the group of unused land for households and individuals; minimum land area to be separated and other contents as prescribed by the land law.

d/ Evaluating documents on land allocation, land lease, land recovery, transfer of land use rights, changing of land use purpose, granting of land use right certificates, ownership of houses and assetting other attached to the land in accordance with the provisions of law; organizing the appraisal of compensation and resettlement schemes according to its competence; assisting the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in conducting the requisition of land in accordance with regulations.

e/ Carrying out the registration of land and asseting attached to land, the granting of land use right certificates, the ownership right over houses and other land - attached assets, the signing of land lease contracts; setting up, managing, updating and adjusting the cadastral dossiers of organizations, religious establishments, foreign organizations and individuals and overseas Vietnamese implementing investment projects according to regulations.

e) Organizing and guiding the examination and evaluation of land resources; surveying and evaluating land; creating, edit and manage cadastral maps; inventory, inventory, map the current status of land use; establishing and operating a monitoring and evaluation system for land management and use.

g/ Assuming for organizing the formulation and adjustment of land price tables and submitting them to the Provincial People's Committees for prescription; land price mapping; advising on the settlement of land price - related problems.

h/ Assuming for organizing the determination of specific land prices used as basis for calculation of land use levies or land rents, calculating the land use right value upon the equitization of State enterprises, land recovery and other cases as prescribed by law, then submitting them to the Provincial People's Committees for decision.

i/ Building, managing, exploiting and supplying information and databases on land according to regulations.

k/ Assuming and coordinating with the concerned agencies in, guiding, examining and organizing the compensation, supporting and resettlement in cases of land recovery according to the provisions of law.

l/ Inspecting and organizing the development of the land fund; managing and exploiting land funds; organizing the auction of land use rights according to regulations.

6. Regarding to water resources:

a/ Elaborating and implementing water resource planning, plans on basic investigation, regulation and distribution of water resources, restoration of polluted and depleted water sources supervising the exploitation, using and protection of water resources, the prevention and fight against and overcoming of the harmful effects caused by water on the river basin of the province.

b/ Delineating the restricted areas, restricted areas, underground water exploitation areas and areas where artificial groundwater is added, and announcing minimum flow and underground water exploitation thresholds according to their competence and restricted areas, the area is temporarily prohibited from exploitation of sand, gravel and other minerals in the river; listing of ponds which are not leveled.

c/ Building and manage a system of supervising the exploitation and use of water resources and discharge of wastewater into water sources for river basins in provinces.

d/ Organizing the coping and remedy of water pollution incidents; monitoring, detecting and participating in solving inter - country water pollution incidents according to its competence; setting up and managing the water source protection corridors, the sanitary - protection zones in the daily-life water sources; ensuring water supply for daily - life water supply in case of drought, water shortage or water pollution incidents.

e/ Appraising dossiers on the grant, extension, adjustment, suspension and revocation of water resource permits and permit the transfer of water resource exploitation rights according to its competence; collecting charges and fees on water resource and collecting the proceeds from the grant of the right to exploit water resources according to the provisions of law; guiding the registration of water resource exploitation and use.

e) Organizing the implementation of basic survey and monitoring of water resources as decentralized; inventory, statistics and storage of water resources in the area; reporting to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment on the results of basic surveys on water resources, the situation on management, exploitation, using and protection of water resources, prevention and combat and overcoming of consequences caused by water locality.

g/ Summing up the situation of water exploitation and use, sources of waste discharged into water sources in localities; listingthe polluted, degraded and exhausted water sources.

h/ Guiding, monitoring and inspecting the filling of wells not used in accordance with the provisions of law.

7. Regarding mineral resources:

a) Delineating areas where mineral activities are prohibited, areas where mineral activities are temporarily prohibited; identifying areas not auctioning mineral mining rights under the authority of the Provincial People's Committee; proposing the unprotected mineral protection measures to the Provincial People's Committee; planning and organizing auctions of mining rights under the licensing authority of the provincial People's Committee after being approved.

b/ Elaborating the planning on mineral exploration, exploitation and use according to regulations; promptly detecting and reporting to the Provincial People's Committees and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment upon discovery of new minerals; appraising dossiers of recognition of norms for calculation of mineral reserves; approval documents for mineral reserves; inventory of mineral reserves under the licensing competence of the Provincial People's Committee.

c/ Organizing the appraisal of dossiers of application for the granting, extension, withdrawal and surrender of mineral exploration licenses and mineral exploitation permits; the dossier of transfer of the right to prospection, the right to exploit minerals; the dossier on the return of part of the area of the exploration or mining area; mine closure project;  a dossier of auction of the right to exploit minerals falls under the deciding competence of the Provincial People's Committee; organizing the evaluation of mineral mining rights under their competence.

d/ Organizing the appraisal of reports on the results of exploration of minerals for use as common construction materials falling under the approving competence of the Provincial People's Committees.

e/ Managing, storing and supplying information and materials on the exploration of minerals to be used as common construction materials; making statistics and inventory of mineral reserves already approved and periodically report to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment according to regulations.

f/ Setting the royalty - liable price for minerals of which the royalty - liable price has not yet been calculated or the royalty - liable price of the natural resource tax calculation has not been complied with.

8. Environment:

a/ Appraising environmental and biodiversity indicators in strategies, plannings, schemes and projects falling under the approving competence of the provincial People's Committees.

b/ Organizing the appraisal of strategic environmental assessment reports, environmental impact assessment reports, environmental protection schemes and projects on establishment of nature conservation zones and biodiversity under their respective competence approved by the Provincial People's Committee; inspecting and certifying the implementation of environmental protection schemes, works and measures to protect the environment in service of the operation stage of projects already approved with environmental impact assessment reports under their competence of the Provincial People's Committee in accordance with current laws; organizing the certification of registration and implementation of environmental protection plans of production, business or service projects and plans falling under their respective competence.

c/ Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the concerned agencies in, elaborating and adjusting the provincial biodiversity conservation plannings and organizing the implementation thereof after they are approved; guiding and inspecting the conservation of biodiversity at biodiversity conservation facilities and the conservation of species on the list of endangered precious and rare species prioritized for protection, excluding plant varieties , animal breeds in the province; verifying the dossiers for the grant of certificates of biodiversity conservation facilities according to the assignment by the Provincial People's Committees.

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