Functions and duties of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development


The Agriculture and Rural Development Department is a specialized agency under the Provincial People's Committee and assists the Provincial People's Committee in the state management about agriculture; forestry; salt industry; seafood; irrigation; rural development; natural disaster prevention and control; food safety, quality of agricultural products, forest products, fisheries and salt; public services of the agriculture and rural development sector according to the provisions of law and under the assignment or authorization of the Provincial People's Committee or the President of the Provincial People's Committee.

Duties and powers:

1. Submitting to the Provincial People's Committee:
a/ Decision or directive drafts; long-term, five-year and annual plans; programs, projects about agriculture; forestry; salt industry; aquatic products; irrigation; rural development; quality, food safety for agricultural products, forest products, aquatic products and salt; planning on natural disaster prevention and combat in line with the master plan on socio-economic development, objectives of national defense and security of the locality; programs and measures to organize the performance of state administrative reform tasks in the domains under its assigned state management;
b/ Document draft defining functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Agriculture and Rural Development;
c/ Coordinating with the Provincial Home Affairs Department in drafting documents detailing the conditions, criteria and titles of leaders of the Heads and Deputy-Heads of organizations; the Heads and Deputy Heads of the Agriculture and Rural Development Department of the People's Committee of district; draft stipulates the conditions, standards and titles of leaders in charge of agriculture of the Economic Division under the People's Committee of commune or provincial city.
2. Submitting to the President of the Provincial People's Committee:
a/ Decision drafts on the establishment, merger, splitting or dissolution of organizations under the Department according to the provisions of law;
b/ Special decision and directive drafts under the promulgating competence of the President of the Provincial People's Committee;
c/ Promulgating the regulation on management, coordination of work and information and reporting regime of the provincial agricultural and rural development organizations located in district-level areas with district-level People's Committees; technical staff in the commune level with commune-level People's Committees.
3. Implementing legal documents, development planning, programs, projects, national standards, national technical regulations and economic and technical norms on agriculture; forestry; salt industry; seafood; irrigation; rural development; natural disaster prevention and control; approved food safety standards; propagating, disseminating, educating and monitoring the implementation of law in the domains under the scope of the state management.
4. Regarding to agriculture (cultivation, plant protection, animal husbandry and animal health):
a/ Organizing the implementation of plannings, plans on the use of land for cultivation and husbandry after being approved and measures to combat agricultural land degradation and erosion in the province according to regulations;
b/ Organizing the implementation of the work of plant seeds, animal breeds, fertilizers, animal feeds, plant protection drugs, veterinary drugs and other supplies in service of agricultural production according to the provisions of law.
c/ Assisting the Provincial People's Committees in directing agricultural production, harvesting, preserving and processing agricultural products; carrying out the structure of seeds, seasons, cultivation and aquaculture techniques;
d/ Organizing the work of plant protection, veterinary medicine, prevention and combat and overcoming of consequences of natural disasters and epidemics of animals and plants for agricultural production; guiding and organizing the implementation of domestic quarantine on animals and plants in the province according to regulations; conducting border-gate quarantine on animals and plants according to regulations;
e/ Managing and using local reserves of plant seeds, plant protection drugs, veterinary drugs, supplies and goods in the fields of cultivation and husbandry in the localities after being granted the Provincial People's Committees approved;
f/ Performing the management of animal slaughtering according to the provisions of law;
g/ Guiding and organizing the development of a good agricultural practice model (VietGAP) in agriculture.
5. Regarding to the forestry:
a/ Guiding the elaboration and taking responsibility for evaluating forest protection and development plannings of the district-level People's Committees;
b/ Assisting the Provincial People's Committees in managing and deciding the establishment of protective forests, special-use forests and production forests within the local management scope after being approved; organizing the classification of forests, determining the boundaries of forest categories, making statistics, inventory and monitoring the forest evolution under the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
c/ Organizing the implementation of forest allocation plans for district and commune levels after they are approved; organizing the assignment of forests, lease of forests, recovery of forests, change of forest use purposes, recognition of forest use rights and ownership right over planted production forests to organizations or Vietnamese residing abroad and foreign organizations and individuals implementing forestry investment projects in Vietnam; organizing the establishment and management of forest allocation and lease documents for afforestation;
d/ Assisting the Provincial People's Committees in directing the district-level People's Committees to assign forests to village population communities and assigning or leasing forests to family households and individuals according to regulations;
e/ Guiding and inspecting the implementation of regulations on forest seed; organizing the selection and recognition of mother trees and seedlings in the province. Formulating plans, measures, directing and inspecting the production of forest seed and use forestry materials; afforestation; processing and preserving forest products; preventing and fighting against epidemics which cause damage to forests; forest fire prevention and fighting;
f/ Responsible for approval of forest management plans, design of forest exploitation and design of silvicultural works; assisting the Provincial People's Committees in directing and inspecting the planting and protection of head-water forests, special-use forests and protection forests; development of scattered forest trees according to regulations;
g/ Guiding and inspecting the permission to open the forest for exploitation and assign the exploitation plan to the forest owner is the organization and the district People's Committee after it is approved. The implementation of regulations on responsibilities of district-level People's Committees and communal-level People's Committees in local management and protection of forests; coordinating and mobilizing the forces and means of organizations and individuals in the localities in forest protection, forest product management and forest fire prevention and fighting.
6. Regarding to the salt production: guiding and inspecting the production, harvesting, preservation and processing of salt in the localities.

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