Duong Quang Dong (1902, ...)

His father, Mr. Duong Quang Bac, in his youth was a heroic soldier in the Tran Van De uprising against the invasion of the evil West. After the failed uprising, he returned to his hometown to take care of the fields and gardens, help cure people's illnesses, and pass on his indomitable will to his children. His mother, Mrs. Tran Thi An, spent her entire life taking care of the house, cooking, and taking care of her children so they could study and become adults. When he was young, Duong Quang Dong was sent to elementary school by his parents. A few years later, he was sent to study at Thanh Chung class (equivalent to middle school now) at Huynh Khuong Ninh school. But not long after, he was expelled from school for having rebellious thoughts and opposing the authorities. After leaving school, he had to work every job to make a living. Fortunately, during those years of hardship, he met and became friends with a worker at Ba Son Shipyard. That is Ton Duc Thang, a patriotic worker who enthusiastically participated in revolutionary activities to liberate the nation and the class and later became the leader of the President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Republic of Vietnam). Socialist Republic of Vietnam).

     In 1920, Ton Duc Thang and a number of his comrades met at Binh Dong Communal House (now in District Eight, Ho Chi Minh City) to establish the Red Congregation. Young Duong Quang Dong, then only 18 years old, became Secretary and Head of the Communication Committee of the organization.

To develop so quickly as well as to connect like-minded people and comrades, in 1921, Ton Duc Thang sent Duong Quang Dong back to his hometown of Tra Vinh to campaign and build an organization. Some time later, two Red Agricultural Association organizations were established in Cau Ngang (Ba Bien, Hai Kinh), the provincial capital, Tra Vinh (Nanh, Duc Thinh).

In 1927, under the direction of Nguyen Ai Quoc, the Red Congress organization was transformed into the Revolutionary Youth Union, with Ton Duc Thang as Secretary. Duong Quang Dong also officially became a member of this organization. After that, according to the assignment of Secretary Ton Duc Thang, Dong returned to Tra Vinh to choose from among the brothers and comrades in the old Red Association of Agriculture and Rural Development to establish two Young Pioneers Cells in Cau Ngang and the provincial capital of Tra Vinh. By 1930, after the Indochinese Communist Party was born, the Southern Party Committee was established, Dong returned to Tra Vinh to establish Communist Party Cells in Cau Ngang, Tra Vinh provincial capital from comrades in Vietnam. His Comrade Revolutionary Youth founded the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee, and at the same time he also served as Secretary of the Cau Ngang District Party Committee.

During this time, according to the recommendation of comrade Ton Duc Thang, Duong Quang Dong was promoted to join the Southern Party Committee.

In mid-1931, during the incident where Ly Tu Trong shot and killed Chief Detective Le Grand at Mayer Stadium, Duong Quang Dong was arrested, they took him to Tra Vinh and sentenced him to 3 years in prison.

Upon completion of his prison term, he returned to join the Southern Regional Party Committee and continued to operate as Head of the Communications Department of the Regional Party Committee. At this time, according to the introduction of Duong Quang Dong, the Southern Party Committee sent comrade Truong Van Nham to Tra Vinh to consolidate Party organizations and directly serve as Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

Since 1936, when the French left won a big victory in the National Assembly election, they won the right to form a government. On this occasion, our Party advocates public activities, promoting the Democratic movement, establishing Action Committees throughout the Southern localities. Comrade Duong Quang Dong was appointed to join the Southern Action Committee, and is also Chairman of the Tra Vinh Action Committee. The democracy movement developed strongly across all strata of the population, encouraging everyone to participate in the fight for civil rights and democracy. However, in September 1939, World War II broke out and the French colonialists brutally suppressed the movements. Our Party switched to secret activities. In early 1940, the Party Committee was consolidated with comrade Ta Uyen as Secretary. Comrade Duong Quang Dong accepted the position of Standing Committee of the Party Committee.

During this period, the French colonialists were confused to deal with the dangers caused by the world war, by Siam's advance to conquer Battdombong, by Japan's intention to jump into Indochina, plus a number of human soldiers. Vietnamese soldiers that the French captured and prepared to use as shields to mutiny when ordered. The Southern Party Committee realized that the opportunity for a strong uprising had come, so it launched an uprising throughout the Southern region. Duong Quang Dong and his comrades in the Regional Party Committee actively prepared day and night. But the plot was revealed. When Duong Quang Dong was on his way to convey orders to the Western provinces to return to Saigon, he was picked up by secret police. They arrested him and almost the entire Southern Party Committee and exiled him to Ta Lai (now in Dong Nai province).

On the night of March 27, 1941, Duong Quang Dong and 7 comrades organized an escape from Ta Lai prison. The escape was successful, but only 3 comrades out of 8 were able to return to Saigon to work: Duong Quang Dong, Truong Van Nham and Duc. These three comrades together established the Southern Revolutionary Campaign Committee whose purpose was to find bases, make contact with old comrades, restore the activities of the Regional Party Committee and contact to receive direction from the Central Committee. Party. However, not long after that, two comrades Truong Van Nham and Duc were captured by the French and exiled to Con Dao. The only remaining Campaign Committee member is Duong Quang Dong. In the extremely difficult situation of an escaped prisoner wanted everywhere, without receiving direction from the Central Government, Duong Quang Dong had to travel all over Saigon, Gia Dinh, Cho Lon and then throughout the provinces. the West and the Southeast provinces to connect with old comrades and restore Party organizations.

During this time, the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee was also restored, with comrade Duong Quang Dong directly serving as Secretary.

On October 13, 1943, at the summons of Duong Quang Dong, 11 comrades who were Secretaries of the provinces came to Cho Gao to attend the Conference to establish the Southern Party Committee and all 12 comrades became Party Committee members. Comrade Duong Quang Dong was elected Secretary of the Party Committee by the conference, but he only accepted this position temporarily, while waiting to make contact with comrade Tran Van Giau. However, in reality, comrade Duong Quang Dong held the position of Secretary of the Party Committee until March 9, 1945, when the Japanese coup d'état against France, the Party Committee was able to contact comrade Giau. (Because this Party Committee publishes the Tien Phong newspaper, it is often called the Tien Phong Party Committee to distinguish it from the Liberation Party Committee organized by Hoang Du Khuong and Nguyen Thi Thap around the same time. These two Party Committees cannot contact each other).

After comrade Tran Van Giau accepted the position of Secretary, Duong Quang Dong became the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee.

On August 24, 1945, at the Party Committee Conference held at the Night Market, the Southern Party Committee announced the order for a General Uprising. Comrade Duong Quang Dong got on a speeding bicycle and flew back to Tra Vinh with the Party Committee and people. The people of the province seized power. As Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Uprising Committee, he made many important contributions to the complete, bloodless victory of the August Revolution in Tra Vinh.

On September 23, 1945, in the shadow of British Indian troops, the French colonialists opened fire to re-invade our country. As the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, comrade Duong Quang Dong was assigned to command combat at the headquarters of the Southern People's Committee, which is located at Tay Xa Palace, now the headquarters of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee. The fighting here lasted throughout the night of September 22 and 23. After that, he retreated to the West, gradually down to the U Minh region.

At the end of 1945, the French colonialists sent troops to occupy all Southern provinces. The long resistance war of the Southern people began. In the early stages, our forces encountered extreme difficulties due to lack of command and combat experience, very rudimentary equipment, and no support from the Central Government and the Government. Therefore, the Party Committee advocated self-reliance and organized a unit to go to Thailand to buy weapons. On October 20, 1946, a unit of 14 people from Vinh Long and Tra Vinh provinces set out under the direct command of comrade Duong Quang Dong. For more than three years, from 1946 to 1949, the unit sought to buy hundreds of tons of weapons, military hardware and other war equipment in Thailand and Malaysia, and shipped them to the South. In addition, the unit also mobilized overseas Vietnamese in Kampuchea, Laos, and Thailand to support talent and material resources for the domestic resistance war. Hundreds of young people volunteered to fight with the country in overseas army units such as Cuu Long I, Cuu Long II.... Not only that, the unit was also tasked with building a revolutionary force to help Cambodia resist the war. against French colonialism.

In 1949, comrade Duong Quang Dong was appointed by the Party Committee to attend the Truong Chinh senior political class, course III. After that, he was assigned by the Party Committee to join the West-South Kampuchea Party Committee. Because he was fluent in the terrain and understood the languages, customs and traditions of friendly countries, he was also assigned by the Party Committee to also inspect our secret operations in Thailand.

After the Gio-ne-ve agreement was signed, comrade Duong Quang Dong was assigned by the Party to be in charge of moving troops to gather working units in Kampuchea to Region IX. After that, he was assigned to stay in the South, fight directly with the enemy, and prepare for the General Election Consultation Day as stipulated in the Agreement. Complying with the assignment of the Party Committee, Mr. Tham joined the Saigon - Gia Dinh - Cho Lon Special Zone Committee, in charge of military operations. On the Mid-Autumn Festival night of 1957, comrade Duong Quang Dong was captured by the enemy near An Dong market. They took their comrades to detention and brutal torture at Le Van Duyet police station (former Catinat) and then transferred them to Bien Hoa prison. Taking advantage of the enemy's loopholes, he escaped from prison and returned to operate in the Phu Nhuan area.

During this time, the communication route between the Central Government, the Government and the South was often interrupted while Party Secretary Le Duan had to prepare to go to the North to report to the Central Committee and Uncle Ho on the situation of the struggle in the South. set. The local Party Committee trusted him to mobilize him to reopen this vital transportation route with the title of Group A53. A system of facilities along the road from the South through Kampuchea, Laos, Thailand, Hanoi or the waterway between Thailand - Hong Kong and Hanoi operates continuously, ensuring smooth communication routes to serve customers. the need to lead the resistance. In particular, Delegation A53 organized and ensured the safety of many trips to the South and the North for senior leaders of the Party Central Committee and the Central Bureau of the South during the most difficult years of the war.

After Dong Khoi 1960, the North-South communication line operated stably, the Central Bureau decided to transfer him to take on the position of Deputy Commander and Political Commissar of the unnumbered train that opened the Ho Chi Minh route at sea to transport weapons from North to South served the needs of the increasingly strong armed struggle of the Southern people. So the old soldier who grew up in the coastal countryside of Tra Vinh returned to his days floating at sea along the length of the country, cunningly overcoming many modern means and technical equipment of the enemy. Complete the tasks assigned by the Party. In 1964, to recognize his contributions in transporting weapons, Vice President Ton Duc Thang, his teacher and eldest brother, sent him a carbine as a gift. Comrade Pham Hung, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Southern Department, also gave him a Citizen watch. He treasured and preserved these precious gifts as priceless memories of the war. After liberation, he sent it back for display at the Ho Chi Minh Museum.

In 1963, comrade Duong Quang Dong was sent by the Central Committee of the Southern Department to do financial work as the Standing Committee of the Forward Supply Council of the Central Committee of the Southern Department. After that, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Head of the Regional Postal Department.

After 1975, when the South was completely liberated, the Central Bureau assigned comrade Duong Quang Dong to work at the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee and he was assigned to be in charge of the Public Works Transport sector. In 1977, he turned 75 years old and with nearly 60 years of continuous dedication to the cause of national liberation, he was retired by the Party and State. Then, on September 23, 1977, on the anniversary of the Southern Resistance War, the Ho Chi Minh City Pension Club was established. Thanks to his great reputation in revolutionary activities and social activities, and always being energetic and proactive despite his old age, comrade Duong Quang Dong was appointed by the City Party Committee to the position of Chairman of the Club. After 23 years of operation, Mr. Duong Quang Dong is still the Chairman of the Club even at the age of 98.

In 1981, Laotian revolutionary Duong Quang Dong - who made many important contributions to the Kampuchean revolutionary cause during the most difficult period - was personally invited by General Secretary of the Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party Penh So Van. A group of honored guests visited Kampuchea.

In 1986, veteran revolutionary Duong Quang Dong was the official delegate of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee to attend the 6th National Party Congress. At this Renewal Congress, on behalf of the older generation of revolutionaries, he presented a speech about the country's situation and urgent demands for innovation work. At the 7th Congress, in 1991, he was invited by the Politburo and the Congress Organizing Committee to attend as an honored guest.

In 1987, he was introduced by the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee to join the city's Fatherland Front Committee. At the Congress, he was elected to the position of Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City Fatherland Front Committee. He continued to hold this position until October 21, 1998 when he was over 96 years old. This is probably the oldest current Front leader in the history of the Ho Chi Minh City Front as well as the Vietnam Front.

During the years 1988 to 1990, comrade Duong Quang Dong was also Vice Chairman of the Vietnam-Soviet Friendship Association of Ho Chi Minh City.

In 1946, in the first General Election for the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, comrade Duong Quang Dong, then Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, was elected by the people of Tra Vinh as their representative. on the country's highest elected forum. However, right after that, the whole South entered into a long and arduous resistance war, comrade Duong Quang Dong was sent by the Party Committee to go overseas to collect weapons and then directly participate in the resistance war right in the hot spots. Therefore, comrade Duong Quang Dong could not go to Hanoi to attend the meeting. This is also perhaps the only National Assembly Delegate in the country who has not once participated in National Assembly activities. It was not until 1996, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the unification of the National Assembly of Vietnam, that President Nong Duc Manh invited him to Hanoi to attend the ceremony. From the time he was elected to the time he set foot on the National Assembly forum, Representative Duong Quang Dong has gone through a journey of exactly 50 years.

When the twentieth century ended, veteran revolutionary Duong Quang Dong also turned 98. His life spanned nearly a century, witnessing and participating in a period of many changes in the country's history. . Of these, he had a full 80 years - since participating in the founding of the Red Congress - with Uncle Ton Duc Thang - working enthusiastically, resolutely and continuously for the revolutionary cause of national liberation and class liberation. ideologically based on the proletarian system.

During those 80 years of revolutionary activities, veteran revolutionary Duong Quang Dong had more than 10 years of activities abroad: Thailand, Laos, Kampuchea, Malaysia (not including the times he went abroad to visit and rest after 20 years).

1975). He was imprisoned 7 times by the enemy, with a total of more than 6 years in prison by the French, American, and Thai regimes.

Mr. Duong Quang Dong also had two daughters who sacrificed their lives for the revolutionary cause.

Commenting on the person and active life of the veteran revolutionary Duong Quang Dong, Professor - Historian Tran Van Giau, who had many years of sharing hardships with him - wrote: "Phuc, that is, the Year of the East." Tra Vinh joined the Democratic People's Republic of Vietnam since 1926, and since then has worked continuously for the Party until today, many times in and out of major examinations, knowing many classes of cadres in the provinces; Chubby seems to be slow, but in fact he is quick, has little reason but is diligent, persistent, does everything he does" (Autumn, the twenty-third day. National-Political Publishing House . Hanoi 1995. Volume one, page 80).

For his great contributions during 80 years of continuous revolutionary activities, Mr. Duong Quang Dong was awarded by the Party and State:

- 70-year Party badge.

- 60-year Party badge.

- Ho Chi Minh Medal.

-    Class independent Medal.

- Second class Independence Medal.

- Third class Independence Medal.

- Second class anti-French resistance medal.

- First class anti-American resistance medal.

- Badge of the Southern Administrative Resistance Committee.

- Badge for the cause of great national unity...


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