Pham Thai Buong

     Pham Thai Buong is a hero of Tra Vinh land. His name is used as the name of a high school in Tra Vinh city. Here are some details about him.


    Pham Thai Buong, alias Le Thanh Nhan, was born in 1915 in My Cam commune, Cang Long district, Tra Vinh province. His birth father was Pham Thoi, a laborer on the So Truong Tien road in Tra Vinh. Due to his family's economic situation, at the age of 15, little Buong had to work as a mason's assistant to support himself. Being bright and diligent in working and studying well, after a short time, he became a relatively skilled bricklayer.

    In 1937, the Indochina Congress movement from big cities reached Buong's hometown. Many protests and speeches calling for freedom, democracy, and improving life advocated by the communists in Tra Vinh have attracted many people from all walks of life, among them are young men. bricklayer Pham Thai Buong. Gradually enlightened, in 1938, he joined the Brotherhood and became active in the local craftsmen community. In June 1938, Pham Thai Buong was admitted to the ICP. In early 1939, he was a member of the Provisional Provincial Party Committee of Tra Vinh province.

    In early 1940, he was appointed Secretary of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee. Meanwhile, Ben Tre - a province that shares a common boundary with Tra Vinh, the Co Chien River - through colonial terror attacks, most Party facilities here were destroyed, including the Provincial Party Secretary and many others. Provincial and district Commissioners were caught in the net of French secret agents. Faced with that situation, XUNK appointed Pham Thai Buong to become Secretary of the Ben Tre Provincial Party Committee. Together with the remaining comrades after the terrorist attack, he joined hands to consolidate the movement, rebuilding the Party base in the districts of Mo Cay, Giong Trom, Ba Tri...

    When the Cochinchina uprising broke out (1940), the Ben Tre Provincial Party Committee led the masses to actively respond to XUNK's orders. The uprising failed, the French colonialists brutally suppressed and terrorized the movement. Pham Thai Buong and most members of the Ben Tre Provincial Party Committee were arrested one after another. In the imperial prison, tortured to death over and over again, Pham Thai Buong still maintained his temper and did not declare anything that would harm the movement. The colonial government's court sentenced him to 10 years in prison and exiled him to Con Dao.

    When the August General Uprising was successful, the revolutionary government immediately sent a delegation to take vehicles to Con Dao to bring detained comrades back to the mainland. Pham Thai Buong returned on the first train. As soon as he returned to his home province, he was still pale and weak, but because he saw the urgency of the situation, he immediately rushed to work. As Deputy Secretary of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee, Pham Thai Buong, along with key leaders of the province, embarked on building a new government, strengthening the National Solidarity Front, and at the same time organizing Organize intensive military and political training classes to deal with colonial encroachment plots.

    On September 23, 1945, the French enemy opened fire to capture Saigon, then expanded the war to the entire South. During his time as Secretary of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee (1946 - 1948), Pham Thai Buong had a broad and open vision, and had the right policies and policies such as strengthening national unity (Tra Vinh has many many ethnic Khmer people and many complex religions), implementing the revolution's land policy, building local armed forces... thus bringing the resistance movement in Tra Vinh into a stable position soon. , the revolutionary government was gradually consolidated. In 1948, he was elected to the Party Committee of Region 8, assigned to be in charge of 3 provinces: Vinh Long, Tra Vinh and Ben Tre. Also in June of this year, he was appointed acting Secretary of the Ben Tre Provincial Party Committee by the Regional Party Committee.

    In October 1949, Pham Thai Buong was appointed to the Standing Committee of the District 8 Party Committee, in charge of personnel organization. In early 1953, he was sent to attend a correction class opened by the Central Government in Inter-Region 5. After the Geneva Agreement (July 1954), he led the Central delegation to convey the armistice agreement in Vinh province. Long, Tra Vinh, Ben Tre.

From 1954 to 1959, he was Member of the Southern Regional Party Committee and Secretary of the Western Inter-Provincial Party Committee.

    During the 3rd National Congress of the Vietnam Labor Party, he was elected as an alternate member of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party, serving in the Central Bureau of the South.

   In 1963, he was in charge of receiving weapons and supplies by sea for the Southern battlefield. At the end of 1965, he was a member of the Central Standing Committee of the Southern Department. In 1969, became Secretary of Party Committee of Region 9.

    In March 1972, he became an official member of the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam. During a serious illness, he passed away on January 29, 1974 at a resistance base in Area 9.

    Pham Thai Buong devoted his entire life to the revolutionary cause from his youth. Comrade's life is a shining example of devotion to the people and country, in the face of the enemy's power, as well as difficulties and hardships.


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