Nguyen Dang (1925-1984)

In 1944, being enlightened by Mr. Nam Ty, a commune Communist Party member, Nguyen Dang saw the oppression and exploitation of landowners against farmers and the responsibility of young people like him to stand up and overthrow this oppression. oppression and injustice. Through enlightenment, Nguyen Dang started to come to revolution. He stopped working for landlord Lam Quang So's family and changed his job as a hired driver. Every day from morning to night, Nguyen Dang drove from Huyen Hoi, sometimes to Bai Sang, sometimes to Tieu Can, Cau Ke, Mai Pop... While driving, he also worked as a liaison and grasped the enemy situation to report. back to the facility. For a while, his father learned that he was participating in the revolution. He was somewhat worried, afraid that his son was in danger, but did not say anything and silently helped Nguyen Dang with his work. As for him, he couldn't help his parents during the day, so at night he tried to work extra to help the family.


    In 1945, the revolutionary movement in his hometown developed strongly, Nguyen Dang joined the Pioneer Youth Team. He, like many of his friends in the organization, actively practiced martial arts, waiting for the opportunity to take part in seizing power back into the hands of the people. On August 25, 1945, he joined the Youth Pioneer force along with Huyen Hoi people to rebel to seize power. When the revolutionary government was established, he was assigned to be in charge of the Huyen Hoi National Socialist Youth Team. He was the core in mobilizing young people to join the armed forces and Huyen Hoi commune built a guerrilla platoon, capable of fighting the enemy. The French colonialists started the war again, Huyen Hoi commune as well as many other localities in Cang Long were recaptured. Nguyen Dang led the commune's armed forces to eliminate traitors and fight against the enemy's encroachment. protect the achievements of the August Revolution. In 1947, comrade Nguyen Dang was admitted to the Indochina Communist Party (now the Communist Party of Vietnam), then was assigned the position of Commune Captain and Head of Huyen Hoi Commune Police.


    In 1951, the French colonialists launched many sweeping operations into Huyen Hoi with the intention of taking over this commune. He and the guerrilla militia fought back fiercely. Unfortunately during the battle, comrade Nguyen Dang fell into the hands of the enemy. Interrogated and brutally beaten by the enemy, comrade Nguyen Dang still maintained his revolutionary spirit. Unable to exploit anything, they took him to prison in Tra Vinh. While in prison, he continued to work in the prison cell, looking for all their loopholes to fight against them. After 8 months in prison, during an uprising, he and many prisoners escaped.


    Returning to Huyen Hoi, he continued his activities to cling to the people, cling to the land, eliminate traitors, and consolidate the movement. In May 1954, comrade Nguyen Dang was appointed Secretary of Huyen Hoi commune. In 1956, he was a member of the Cang Long District Party Committee and since 1959, comrade Nguyen Dang has been the Secretary of the Cang Long District Party Committee. This was the most difficult period of the Southern revolution. America and Diem promulgated "Fascist law 10/59", carried out "prosecute communists, destroy communists", dragging guillotines everywhere. As Secretary of the District Party Committee, he established and developed the local armed forces of Cang Long district, promoting the three-pronged attack movement, determined to stick to the land and the people. The revolutionary movement in Cang Long was consolidated and developed, until the 1960 Dong Khoi movement everywhere in the district established armed forces early, creating position and strength for the local army of the province and also becoming the leading district of the province. Tra Vinh on building a people's guerrilla movement, maintaining revolutionary strength.


    In March 1961, comrade Nguyen Dang was appointed Provincial Party Committee member and Provincial Political Commissar. In 1965, he was promoted to the position of Secretary of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee, replacing Mr. Pham Van Kiet (Nam Van) to the Regional Party Committee to receive new tasks. During this time, the American puppet increased its fierce attacks. Faced with that situation, as Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, comrade Nguyen Dang worked hard to cling to the people and the land, leading the army and people of Tra Vinh to fight politically, militarily, armed, and resolutely resisted. enemy raids and encroachments. He especially attached great importance to the work of Khmer mobilization, using the love of comrades and comrades to tighten the military-civilian solidarity, uniting Kinh and Khmer to stand up for political, military and armed struggles of the army and people of Tra Vinh. broke out again. There were political struggles that mobilized over 30,000 people to march into the provincial capital, district capital, and the province demanding that the puppet Americans compensate the lives of their compatriots, demanding that they not indiscriminately bombard the people; fight to leave the strategic hamlet and return to the old hometown to do business. The military movement was promoted within the enemy's heart, many mutinies, anti-war protests, and desertions among the puppet army occurred regularly. With three attacks, the army and people of Tra Vinh have mastered many large areas; liberated 2/3 of the land in the province, completely liberating Long Toan district (now Duyen Hai district). The first district of the Southwest region was liberated. With those achievements, in 1964, Tra Vinh's army and people were awarded the 2nd Class Military Merit Medal by the Central Committee, making them the leading province among the Western provinces and one of the three most prominent provinces on the B.2 battlefield.


    Spring of Mau Than 1968, after our forces failed to attack Tra Vinh town, together with Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee comrade Nguyen Dang quickly directed the armed forces to immediately withdraw from the town, leaving only A part of the province's forces stuck to the outskirts, along with Tra Vinh town forces to surround and restrain the enemy on the spot, bringing the majority of the province's forces to help the districts take advantage of favorable opportunities to expand the liberated area. . That change of direction achieved good results, the enemy was restrained in towns and district capitals. The movement to liberate rural areas developed strongly, 3/4 of the population was liberated. The Central Committee awarded the bronze Thanh Thanh medal, class I, and the flag with eight golden words "All people rebel, unite to make achievements" to the army and people of Tra Vinh.


    At the end of 1968, he was the Party Committee of the Southwest Region and still held the responsibility of Secretary of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee until 1971. From 1974 until the day the South was completely liberated, he was transferred to the Region by the Party Committee, holding the position Head of the Department of Military Affairs, Head of the Division of Vinh Long and Tra Vinh provinces. During the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign, he was Deputy Commander of the Western Front, directing the key battlefield of Can Tho. He was the one who contributed to directing the liberation of the Mekong Delta, especially the one who proposed and volunteered to bring forces to Long Xuyen before we occupied Can Tho city. His proposal was approved by the Regional Party Committee, and the Regional Party Committee arranged a main force regiment to take over the intact Long Xuyen region. Taking over Long Xuyen, he was appointed by the Regional Party Committee to stay as Secretary of the Long Chau Ha Provincial Party Committee. In February 1976, Long Chau Ha province was renamed An Giang province. Comrade Nguyen Dang was the Permanent Deputy Secretary of the An Giang Provincial Party Committee. Then, according to the assignment of the Party Central Politburo, he went to work at Cuu Long province. At the First Provincial Party Congress (round 2) from March 28 to April 8, 1977, he was elected Secretary of the Cuu Long Provincial Party Committee. He is an alternate member of the Party Central Committee term IV and a member of the Truong Party Executive Committee term V. During three consecutive terms of the Cuu Long Provincial Party Congress, comrade Nguyen Dang was elected to hold the position by the Congress. Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee.

    Comrade Nguyen Dang is a kind-hearted person, not formal, has a simple style, and is easy to get close to the masses. The virtue of taking care of others before taking care of yourself is inherent in him.


    In leading the movement, he went closely to each grassroots level. He rarely sits in the office, but the places he is often present are in districts and communes to inspect and urge the resolution of urgent problems on the spot. On business trips, he often carries a walkie-talkie so that when he encounters a problem that needs to be resolved immediately, he invites the District Party Committee and the District People's Committee to come and solve it promptly. He knows how to listen to the sincere suggestions of his brothers and sisters, and does not feel self-conscious when others give comments or criticize the Provincial Party Committee and himself.

    In Cuu Long province, comrade Nguyen Dang is the center of internal solidarity and loves his comrades and compatriots very much. To his superiors, he is respectful but also very honest, honestly saying things he did not expect or felt needed to be discussed in terms of instructions. For his subordinates, he always considered everyone his friend. In the Provincial Party Executive Committee, Nguyen Dang is the nucleus of solidarity, has the power to persuade and inspire everyone. In 1981, General Secretary Le Duan visited the Party Committee and people of Cuu Long and praised the province for having four achievements: "Good harvest, good rice, good army, and excited people". Those achievements of the Party Committee and the people of the province are inseparable from the leadership of the Cuu Long Provincial Party Committee led by Mr. Nguyen Dang.


    Comrade Nguyen Dang is also a person who highly values scientists and artists. He did not distinguish between scientists trained in the old or new regime, as long as they were good at their expertise and dedicated to their work. He often said: "I only calculate the score of good or bad, good or bad right now." He pointed to his head and said: "Old or new depends on this".


    His work style was selfless regardless of the time. When he fell ill in the early days of March 1984, he also asked the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to convene a meeting to discuss urgently solving the food problem. Then, to direct the good implementation of food mobilization, he continuously inspected the districts. The disease is progressing and he still hasn't had a day of rest. He went to Binh Minh, Tam Binh, Cang Long, Vung Liem and then Cau Ke due to illness, so he had to miss the planned trip to Tra On. He was taken to Thong Nhat Hospital (Ho Chi Minh City) and then transferred to the Viet-Soviet Hospital (Hanoi). A month of fighting the disease was a month when he always thought about the unfinished work and unrealized plans of the province. Lying in the hospital bed, every time he woke up, he asked about the situation in the province and how much work had been done in the province. Knowing that he could not survive the serious illness, he told his wife, "I'm gone, let's return the house to the Party and go back to live with my comrades." If you eat a full bowl of rice, I will eat a full bowl of rice, I remember."


Writer and researcher Tran Bach Dang commented: “Such a beautiful person bid us farewell. He loved life and he strived tenaciously to gain every second of death, right at the moment of utter despair.


      He was attached to so many unfinished tasks. But his friends thought that he was not absent from the team, at least he left something indelible, by his own way of life" (1).


    Comrade Nguyen Dang said goodbye to the Party Committee and people of Cuu Long at 1:02 a.m. on April 8, 1984 after a month of struggling with death on his hospital bed. On the day of his funeral, friends, comrades, and people of Cuu Long lined up, silently sobbing to send off the exemplary son of the Vinh-Tra people to his final resting place at the martyrs cemetery of Cuu Long province. Nguyen Dang's merits are worthy of noble awards.


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