Digital Transformation for Building Smart New Countryside

The digital transformation of new rural construction (NRC) is essential to form smart rural areas, enhance the effectiveness of community management and operations, and revolutionize production and business methods. By digitizing rural services, we can preserve and promote unique cultural values in the digital space, ultimately contributing to building a new countryside that is deep, efficient, and sustainable.

To achieve this goal, the Provincial People's Committee has issued Plan No. 38/KH-UBND, which outlines the Digital Transformation Program for the construction of new rural areas towards a smart new home in the province for 2023.

Model of high-tech melon cultivation in Luong Hoa A commune, Chau Thanh district

The program's primary objective is to develop digital government services for NRC. It will be organized synchronously and uniformly, relying on digital technology to process at least 30% of provincial-level work records, 25% of district-level work records, and 20% of commune-level work records in the network environment. The program aims to meet the standard of criterion 8.4 of criterion No. 8 on Information and Communication according to the Criteria of NRC communes, striving for 100% of communes to reach this standard. Additionally, 50% of communes will meet the standard of criterion 8.4 of Criterion No. 8 on Information and Communication and the target of 15.2 of Criterion No. 15 on Public Administration according to the newly enhanced set of rural commune criteria.

The aim is for all district-level units to meet criterion 9.5 on Security and Order - Public Administration according to the NRC District Criteria, while only 14% of district-level units currently meet the standard of 6.5 of the economic criterion no. 6 and the standard of 9.2 of criterion no. 9 on Security and Order - Public Administration according to the Advanced NRC District Criteria. The target is for 35% of cadres, civil servants, and public employees at all levels to receive training and capacity building on digital transformation as part of the National Target Program on Building New Rural Areas.

To promote the rural economy and digital economy, at least 25% of district-level units should have production linkage models associated with the consumption of key agricultural products, and 20% of linkage models should be associated with the region's materials through the application of digital technology.

In the new rural construction, at least 15% of units (districts and communes) should provide at least one essential service (healthcare, education, community supervision, security and order, environment, culture) through the digital society.

By 2025, there is a goal to build a smart new rural commune/hamlet model associated with local outstanding fields such as construction planning, economy, health, education, culture, security and order, rural tourism, and e-commerce.

To achieve the above goal, the plan has set out groups of content and implementation solutions, including strengthening communication and propaganda to raise awareness about digital transformation in the construction of NRCs, organizing conferences, seminars, training, coaching and fostering professional knowledge on digital transformation, building digital government in new rural construction, promoting the digital economy in rural economic development, and developing a digital society in new rural construction through pilot implementation of digital transformation models.

The Provincial People's Committee has requested that the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Provincial NRC Coordination Office) take on the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant agencies to guide districts, towns, and cities in effectively implementing the contents of the program. They should review and select a pilot model of smart rural communes/hamlets and guide localities to implement the contents according to regulations, while regularly organizing inspections, supervision, and evaluation of implementation results in districts, towns, and cities to capture the situation in a timely manner.

At the same time, in collaboration with Tra Vinh Newspaper and Tra Vinh Radio and Television Station, efforts are being made to enhance communication on digital transformation in the construction of new rural areas, towards smart rural areas in the province. The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for coordinating with the Department of Information and Communications in organizing training and guidance for staff involved in new rural construction at all levels (province, district, commune), as well as for people and rural communities. In addition, the department will organize learning experiences on digital transformation models of the provinces.

The department will also monitor, supervise, synthesize, and periodically report to the Provincial People's Committee on the implementation of this plan. The department will propose amendments and supplements to the contents if necessary, and organize a preliminary and final review of the implementation.

The Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province will lead and coordinate with the Department of Information and Communications and other relevant branches and localities in guiding and organizing the collection of people's satisfaction with the results of building new rural areas, enhanced rural areas, and new rural areas through the Digital Conversion Program application.

The Provincial Farmers' Union, Provincial Women's Union, Tra Vinh Provincial Youth Union, Provincial Veterans Association, and Provincial Labor Confederation will promote advocacy, support, and propaganda so that people and communities can actively participate in digital transformation in the new countryside, towards building a smart new countryside.

The People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities will develop implementation plans suitable to the actual conditions of their localities and organize the effective implementation of the digital transformation pilot model in NRC. They will select to build a pilot model of a smart rural commune/hamlet of the district and guide the implementation.

Other relevant provincial departments, agencies, and sectors will actively coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Provincial New Rural Coordination Office) to effectively implement the contents of the plan. 

Truc Phuong

Hoang Khiem (Translator)


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