Tra Vinh rehearses provincial-level fire prevention and fighting plan for the first time

On the afternoon of October 3, Tra Vinh Provincial People's Committee rehearsed fire prevention and fighting plans with the participation of many forces and vehicles in the Tra Vinh market area in cluster 2, ward 3, Tra Vinh city.

Mr. Le Van Han, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and Head of the Steering Committee for rehearsing the provincial fire fighting plan, spoke at the rehearsal.

Attending the event were Mr. Le Van Han, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Steering Committee to rehearse the local fire prevention and fighting plan; Colonel Le Van Tu, Deputy Director of Provincial Public Security, Standing Deputy Head of the Standing Committee and members of the Steering Committee. Also, there were representatives of leaders of People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities; representatives of leaders of relevant departments and branches.

Speaking at the opening of the rehearsal, Colonel Le Van Tu emphasized the importance of preparation for the fire prevention drills and fire fighting, which mobilize many forces and vehicles to participate, and that of complete equipment for fire fighting. During the rehearsal with a hypothetical situation, the Provincial Steering Committee required the participating forces to maximize their firefighting skills and raise the spirit of firefighting, including responsibility, solidarity, synergies, and close unity to complete the tasks, objectives, and requirements successfully.



The forces deploy firefighting plans, save people and property

The hypothetical situation was set at 22:30, October 3, 2022, at Kim Oanh Shop, No. 52, Doc Lap street, cluster 2, ward 3, Tra Vinh city. The fire occurrence resulted from electrical devices igniting the insulating shell. The fire then quickly spread to the shelves for fishing nets; foam bins in bulk; other flammable materials, such as household items; and utensils, such as plastic furniture, mattresses, plywood, cardboard, etc., in large quantities. Those materials were arranged adjacent to and overlapping each other. In a short time, the fire rapidly spread to 3-story-house width and height and a floor area of 216m2. Furthermore, the fire could spread to the 2nd and 3rd floors in the direction of the stairs.

Because the fire occurred at midnight, it stayed undetected until a long time later, and the fire lasted for a long time without any control. The household did not have the necessary firefighting equipment; therefore, in a short time, the fire quickly covered the first floor and the whole house. The fire emitted a lot of smoke, and toxic gas, which limited visibility. Consequently, building structures might lose bearing capacity and cause collapse, developing into a more disastrous fire and generating higher temperatures. The situation could worsen as massive fires could quickly spread to the area of adjacent houses. Due to heat radiation, it was difficult to save and guide people to escape, let alone save properties. The firefighting force alone was unable to extinguish the fire on the spot at that moment, so it was necessary to mobilize many forces and means to participate in fighting the fire.


The forces deploy firefighting plans, save people and property

The rehearsal of operating the information reporting and directing mechanism comprises four stages since the fire was detected. Phase 1 is to handle the fire situation conducted by the on-site force and managed by the Fire Prevention Team of the Tra Vinh market; along with that, the Chairman of the People's Committee of Ward 3 directed and mobilized forces and means of fire fighting of Tra Vinh City Police.

Phase 2 is to handle the fire situation through the fire fighting, rescue team, and other forces in Tra Vinh city, led by the Deputy Head of the Department, who is in charge of the Fire and Rescue Team; Fire Department, Fire Department command fire fighting; and Central Command fire fighting. The involved forces and vehicles include the Fire Fighting and Rescue Team under the Fire Department and the Central Police Department; Tra Vinh City Electricity, Tra Vinh General Hospital, Tra Vinh City Medical Center; Tra Vinh City Military Command.

Phase 3 is to handle the situation of the reinforcement forces directed by the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee and the Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security, the Chief of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department, and the Provincial Public Security Command to fight the fire. The involved forces and means of the fire fighting include the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Teams of the District Police, the Mobile Police Department of the Provincial Police, the Traffic Police Department of the Provincial Public Security, the Advisory Department of the Provincial Public Security, the Tra Vinh Urban Construction Joint Stock Company, the Company. Tra Vinh Water Supply and Sewerage Joint Stock Company, Department of Construction, Department of Transport.

The final phase is investigating the scene and the cause of the fire, led by the Tra Vinh City Police leaders. The involved forces include the Fire Department and the Provincial Police Department, the Criminal Technical Department of the Public Security province, People's Procuracy of Tra Vinh city.

The rehearsal took place successfully with the outstanding coordination of the forces. This rehearsal is an initiative in large-scale fire prevention and fighting, requiring the coordination of many forces and handling the situation promptly and effectively. Tra Vinh is the first unit in the Mekong Delta region to organize a provincial-level drill under the Ministry of Public Security policy and is broadcast live on Tra Vinh Radio and Television.


Mộng Tuyền – Hồ Giang

Võ Hoàng Khiêm (Translator)


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