Conference to review 20 years of implementation of Decree 78/2002/ND-CP of the Government

On the morning of September 16, the Provincial People's Committee held a conference to review the 20 years of implementing preferential credit policies for the poor and other policy beneficiaries according to Decree No. 78/2002/ND-CP dated October 4 /2002 of the Government in the province.

The delegates to the conference


Mr. Le Van Han, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Representative Board of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the provincial branch of the Bank for Social Policies (VBSP); Mr. Duong Huy Phong, Director of VBSP Provincial Branch chaired the conference.

Attending the conference were Mr. Huynh Van Thuan, Deputy General Director of VBSP; Mr. Kim Ngoc Thai, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; leaders of the Provincial People's Council, the delegation of the National Assembly of Tra Vinh province, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Tra Vinh province, the departments, branches, and mass organizations of the province; leaders of District Party Committee, Town Party Committee, City Party Committee; outstanding groups and individuals.


Duong Huy Phong, Provincial Branch Director of VBSP, approved

the results of the implementation of Decree No. 78 in the past 20 years.


After 20 years of implementing Decree No. 78, up to now, VBSP has opened 106 transaction points (including 94 transaction points at People's Committees of communes, wards, and townships and 12 transaction points at VBSP's headquarters). 2,903 savings and loan groups are operating effectively in 756 hamlets and clusters, managed by 04 socio-political organizations with a total of 120,864 members. The provincial VBSP is implementing 17 policy credit programs, with a total outstanding loan of VND 3,455 billion 555 million, disbursing to more than 766,580 turns of poor households and policy beneficiaries.

Implementing preferential policy credit for the poor and other policy beneficiaries under Decree No. 78 has achieved many outstanding results. The capital has helped 220,980 poor households and other policy beneficiaries get loans, contributing to over 138,000 households getting out of poverty; attracting and creating jobs for 100,126 workers; helping 34,592 pupils and students with difficult circumstances get study loans; support to build and renovate 111,307 clean water, and environmental sanitation works in rural areas; supporting the construction of 36,443 houses for poor households. In general, preferential credit in recent years has fully and promptly met the borrowing needs of low-income families and other policy beneficiaries in the area. Policy credit capital has contributed to raising income levels, reducing the poverty rate in the province by the end of 2021 to 3.56%, and people's lives are increasingly improved.

At the conference, Mr. Huynh Van Thuan, Deputy General Director of VBSP, recognized and highly appreciated the results achieved over 20 years of implementing Decree No. 78 in the province. The Deputy General Director of VBSP also suggested that Party committees and authorities at all levels be more aware of the role and position of social policy credit in realizing the goal of sustainable poverty reduction, job creation, social security, building local, the new countryside in a sustainable way; well implement the policy of socialization of credit capital sources of social policies.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Van Han delivered a concluding speech at the conference.

To conclude, at the conference, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Le Van Han thanked the Board of Directors and Board of Directors of VBSP for supporting Tra Vinh province in implementing Decree No. 78 during the past 20 years effectively. At the same time, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee praised all officers and employees of the VBSP branch; mass organizations, departments, branches, localities, and people have seriously and effectively implemented Decree No. 78.

In order to continue implementing Decree No. 78 in the province, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee directed the VBSP, provincial departments, branches, and localities to implement well Directive No. 40-CT/TW, Conclusion No. 06. -KL/TW of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee and Decision No. 1630/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister on strengthening the Party's leadership in social policy credit, consider this as a key task, to implement national target programs on poverty reduction, new rural construction, and economic development in ethnic minority areas.

The provincial VBSP needs to follow the Development Strategy for the 2021-2030 period of the VBSP and the province's socio-economic development goals, continue to promote the achieved results, and overcome the limitations in the past. Actively take the initiative, mobilize resources, and closely coordinate with other departments, agencies, organizations, and organizations to organize the review of concessional loans originating from the bank. Government policies, and funding sources transferred or entrusted, focus on one focal point for implementation, which is the provincial VBSP, which manages and lends in a unified manner.


The Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Kim Ngoc Thai, was awarded the certificate of merit from Mr. Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee for the collectives with excellent achievements in implementing Decree No. 78.

On this occasion, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee presented 64 certificates of merit to 21 collectives and 23 individuals. The General Director of VBSP presented 16 certificates of merit to 04 collectives and 12 individuals who made contributions to the effective implementation of Decree No. 78; VBSP honored 04 individuals who have contributed in 20 years of VBSP's operation.

                Truc Phuong

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