Vu Lan won the guild

Vu Lan Thang Hoi, also known as Cau Ke Festival, takes place on the 25th - 28th day of the 7th lunar month, in Cau Ke town where the main place is Van Nien Phong Cung, also known as Cho Pagoda. (because it's near Cau Ke market) is located in cluster 1. This is one of the traditional folk festivals associated with the belief of Ong Bon worship of the Hoa Vinh community as well as the Southern provinces.

Mr. Bon, also known as Bon Dau Cong, whose real name is Trinh Tu Hoa, was originally an eunuch sent by the Ming emperor to negotiate with the courts of Southeast Asian countries to create favorable conditions for the Chinese to emigrate. live and work. After his death, the king of the Ming Dynasty bestowed a deity and overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia considered him a blessed god who ruled over a peaceful career.

The legend is so, but Ong Bon, whom Cau Ke ethnic people worship, are four sworn brothers, who are said to be credited with bringing the first generation of Trieu Chau to migrate to this land along the Hau River and when they die, they are all saints. . In which, Minh Duc Cung (Giong Lon Pagoda, Hoa An commune) worships Mr. Nhut; Van Ung Phong Cung (Chua Trung, Hoa An commune) worships Mr. Nhi; Van Nien Phong Cung (Cho Pagoda, Cau Ke town) worships Mr. Ba and Nien Phong Cung (Cay Sanh Pagoda, Tam Ngai commune) worships Mr. Tu. In addition, in Cau Ke area, there are two more temples worshiping Ong Bon, Van Duc Phong Cung (Tam Ngai) and Thien Duc Cung (Hoa An) and a number of temples of the same type scattered throughout the province.

Ong Bon Festival is held in Vu Lan season and because there are 6 temples, Cong Ong Bon festival takes place almost in the whole 7th lunar month. In particular, Van Nien Phong Cung with the advantage of being located in the center of town, convenient water transportation, and the people's affluent life should be chosen as the main festival.

Ong Bon Cau Ke Festival takes place from the 25th to the 28th of the seventh lunar month, which Cau Ke people often remind each other through the introduction:  "Twenty-five in the crowd, Twenty-eight in the truss" . During the 4 days of the festival, there are 20 consecutive rituals in a very tight schedule.

On July 25, 8 ceremonies took place, including the Ceremony of Invoking the Buddhas and Gods; Prayer Ceremony – touching; Perfume Ceremony; General opening ceremony; Opening Ceremony; Opening Ceremony; Sacrifice Ceremony and Ceremony of Praying for National Peace and Peace. In which, the most important and most crowded are the two ceremonies of Invocation of the Buddhas - the Gods and the Ceremony of Invoking Sutras - touching.

– The Ceremony of Invoking the Buddhas – Gods is conducted in the early morning of the 25th day of the 7th lunar month. The celebrant, the temple's management board and a large number of relatives and fellow Buddhists in the region gathered at the campus of Van Nien Phong Cung, forming a procession marching through the main streets, through Hoa An and Tam communes. Ngai also invited the Buddhas and gods to return to the Van Nien Phong Palace and Bon Dau to notarize and enjoy the offerings of the village. Besides the gods according to Chinese beliefs such as Quan Thanh De, Mrs. Thien Hau, etc., there are also gods according to Kinh beliefs (God Thanh Hoang of the scene), Khmer beliefs (Neakta). This ritual shows the spirit of solidarity, sharing between ethnic groups, religions - beliefs that Cau Ke community takes care to preserve and pass on from generation to generation.

– The ceremony of petitioning – striking is conducted on the afternoon of the 25th day of the 7th lunar month. The procession was dressed up as teachers and students of the Tripitaka, reenacting the story of going to the West to ask for sutras. Thanks to the actors playing the role of Te Thien, Bat Gioi, Sa Tang, and even the demons, who are all good at martial arts, Chinese opera, as well as Vietnamese singing, this ritual is an artistic and dance performance right on the roof. main street, very popular with locals and visitors from all over the world.

On the 26th day of the 7th lunar month, there are 5 main rituals, namely the Ceremony of Theory of the Soul; Feast of the Patron Saints; Feast of the sage - the late sage; Requiem; The Ceremony of Baptism. In which, the ceremony of the theory of euthanasia is conducted at dawn, which is the main ceremony of the Vu Lan season of filial piety. The phantom ceremony is conducted in the afternoon, with two phantom trees being held high in the middle of the campus of Van Nien Phong Palace, meaning that the souls who have not yet escaped will be protected by the Buddhas and Gods.

On the 27th day of the 7th lunar month, there are two main ceremonies, which are the Ceremony of Offering the Horse and the Ceremony of Praying for Super Horses. During these two rituals, the monks, nuns, and monks set up a piano and continue to recite sutras so that the hungry and thirsty souls struggling all year round can have a full day, rest assured listening to the sutras, and soon ascend to the pure land. .

On the 28th day of the 7th lunar month, there are 4 main ceremonies, namely Bai Gray - Hoan Kinh - Xa Hac; The ceremony of praying outside the forum; Launching Ceremony – Liberating Lives and Chieu Coalition Ceremony – Posting for Real Alms.

– Gray Worshiping Ceremony – Hoan Kinh – Sacrifice of the Crane and the Ceremony of Invoking the Outer Altar Statue is a rite of passage to end the ceremony of worshiping the Buddhas, switching to the usual offerings to the Gods. Launching Ceremony - Freeing Lives is conducted on the banks of Cau Ke River, implying that Ha Ba and the Water Gods are sacrificed...

– Chieu u Co Linh Ceremony – The actual ceremony is the main ceremony, attracting a large number of locals and visitors from all over the world to participate in the festival. From noon on the 28th day of the 7th lunar month, all roads leading to Van Nien Phong palace are "horses like water, clothes like wedges". At the ceremony, the celebrant, the elders present all the gifts brought by the villagers and good men and women from near and far, it is necessary to have all-color white pigs (cleaned pigs leave the whole body), roasted pigs. , tea, wine, fruit, incense, etc. to the tables to offer to Bon Tou Cong, and then to have a full meal.

When the Buddhist sutras have just ended, the stage orchestras (Chinese ceremonial music) resound with the applause and cheers of thousands of people around. In the atmosphere that is both sacred and ghostly typical of the festival, the Bon Tou Cong suddenly "stepped in" to "enter the body". Monsignor will "borrow the body" of a local middle-aged Chinese person to show his majesty by dancing and spinning, speaking the ancient Chaozhou language, walking barefoot on burning coals, piercing the bars. long metal over his face, using a sharp knife to cut his own tongue to draw blood, draw charms to give to attendees. Monsignor's body has just gone to "check" (ie check) the offerings and prophesy about the weather, crops, business and trading ... of the people of the town in the coming year.

The belief of worshiping Ong Bon of Cau Ke and Tra Vinh people is quite similar to that of the Vietnamese people. In the context of solidarity, love, and helping each other to overcome all difficulties in the life of the Kinh - Khmer - Hoa Cau Ke ethnic communities are always put on top, the belief of worshiping Ong Bon and the Offering Festival Mr. Bon had a harmonious exchange and acclimatization of many other religious-religious nuances such as Buddhism, Mother worship, Neakta worship, etc. Through this festival, the Cau Ke ethnic group united the whole Cau Ke ethnic group. reinforced, strengthened.

Belief in worshiping Ong Bon and Vu Lan Thang Hoi at Van Nien Phong palace is a famous cultural and spiritual tourist destination of Cau Ke land for more than 100 years. In parallel with this festival, in Cau Ke area, there are many potential addresses to form a continuous ecological - cultural - spiritual tourism chain including Heroic Memorial Area Nguyen Thi Ut (Ut Tich). , Tan Qui island, ancient house and ancient tomb of Ham Huynh Ky district... and many kinds of specialty fruits such as waxy coconut, mangosteen, rambutan, banana apple... are waiting for visitors to discover and enjoy.




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