Uncle Ho Temple

The temple of President Ho Chi Minh, which the locals are used to calling Uncle Ho's Temple, researcher Tran Bach Dang summarizes it as a symbol of "Work of the Heart" because of the sacred meaning of its formation, The process of fighting to protect the temple's tenacity and spiritual values in the spiritual life of the Party, army and people of Tra Vinh province.

The temple is located in Vinh Hoi hamlet, Long Duc commune, Tra Vinh city, more than 4 km north of the center of Tra Vinh province.

The temple of President Ho Chi Minh in Tra Vinh province was ranked a national historical-cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information, now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Uncle Ho's temple relic area is 5.4 hectares wide with main items such as Uncle Ho's temple, a house displaying the life of President Ho Chi Minh, a green campus, a fish pond, a camping area. …and especially the model Uncle Ho's stilt house was designed, copied and installed scientifically with the rate of 97% according to the original Uncle Ho's stilt house at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi.

Temple of President Ho Chi Minh in the relic site. Photo: Ngoc Nhung

On September 2, 1969, our dear President Ho Chi Minh passed away forever. This is the great pain and irreparable loss of the entire Party, army and people of Vietnam. This bad news shocked the people of Tra Vinh, the people of Long Duc who put their full faith in the person who lit the fire to light the way and led the Vietnamese people in two resistance wars against the invaders. Despite the strict prohibition of the enemy, many families in Long Duc and Tra Vinh set up altars of incense and smoke for him day and night. The desire of the people of Long Duc for a spacious place for the village community to express their gratitude to President Ho Chi Minh was proposed to the leader of Long Duc commune, the leader of Tra Vinh town. In early 1970, Tra Vinh Town Party Committee discussed, agreed and was approved by Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee the policy of building the Temple of President Ho Chi Minh. The commencement date is March 10, 1970 and is expected to be inaugurated on the occasion of Uncle Ho's 80th birthday. The location chosen is a tall square in Vinh Hoi hamlet - the center of the whole commune, where it used to be a communal house. worshiping the local god Thanh Hoang. This location is more than 4 km away from the enemy military sub-zone, more than 2 km from the US military base in Vam Tra Vinh, not more than 1,500 m from the Co Chien River that enemy ships patrolled and bombed, and only 1,500 meters from the nearest enemy post. 400 m… That is, when building the Temple, the Party Committee and the army and people of Long Duc accepted all challenges from the enemy.

When the Party Committee, army and people of Long Duc deployed the construction of the temple, it was also the peak of the invasion and pacification of the US puppets, and the communes in the outskirts of the province such as Long Duc were the focus. The enemy intensified their raids with infantry, commandos, aircraft, warships, artillery, etc. into the hamlets of Long Duc commune. Although there is a security team ready to fight, but to ensure safety, the construction is mainly at night. When the frame was completed and ready to be erected, it was damaged by enemy artillery fire and had to start over… Painter Phong Ba was appointed by the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department to paint a portrait of President Ho Chi Minh using oil paints. , measuring 0.78 x 1.00 m from a black-and-white photograph brought back by a gathering officer.

On January 26, 1971, the afternoon of the Thirtieth New Year of the Pig, the temple was inaugurated in the presence of representatives of the Provincial Party Committee, Tra Vinh Town Party Committee and some local people. Days later, under the pretext of going home to celebrate the New Year, many residents of Long Duc and Tra Vinh, in turn, came to burn incense and pay respects to him.

Discovering the existence of the Temple, the enemy frantically organized many sweeping battles, raiding Long Duc with the ultimate goal of destroying the Temple. On March 10, 1971, the name of the Lieutenant Colonel of the Province and the Chief of the Vinh Binh Sub-Region (the name of Tra Vinh province of the Saigon government) ordered a large-scale sweeping operation with the support of machines. flying helicopters, M 113 armored vehicles, artillery and warships. The Long Duc guerrillas and the Vinh Hoi hamlet guerrillas fought bravely, but with overwhelming strength, the enemy used flamethrowers to burn a bamboo rampart, then let the infantry enter the temple to burn. As for Uncle Ho's portrait, they did not dare to burn it, but let someone carry it to the Governor's palace. The next day, hundreds of Long Duc masses joined the inner-city people to fight for the enemy to return the portrait. In response to the legitimate demands of the people,

The rebuilding and protection of the Temple was closely implemented by the Town Party Committee, Tra Vinh Town and Party Committee, the armed forces and the people of Long Duc. On the afternoon of February 14, 1972, on the thirtieth day of the Lunar New Year, Uncle Ho's Temple was inaugurated for the second time in the joy of officers, soldiers and the people of Long Duc. The existence of the Temple is like a thorn in the eye of the enemy, so they often open many raids and raiding. On October 3, 1972, the enemy sent aircraft to destroy and destroy the Temple, but the protection team and the people of Long Duc promptly extinguished the fire and protected the Temple.

During nearly 5 years of building and protecting the Temple of President Ho Chi Minh, the armed forces and the people of Long Duc, Tra Vinh town has skillfully coordinated three attacks, breaking dozens of sweeping battles. hundreds of battles by aircraft, artillery, and battleships of the enemy, eliminating more than 300 enemy names from the battle ring. More than 20 officers, soldiers and the masses have heroically sacrificed for the existence of the Temple, including many heroic sacrifices such as Nguyen Van Luom, Nguyen Van Tri... Long Duc female guerrilla team, under the supervision Commander of Comrade Phan Thi Thanks stood side by side with his male comrades, bravely fought, and accomplished many feats in the process of defending the Temple of President Ho Chi Minh.

The house welcomes one of the items restored in 2022. Photo: Ngoc Nhung

The proud existence of President Ho Chi Minh's Temple made the commanders of Vinh Binh sub-area extremely angry. They intensified sweeps and bombardments, making the war density in Long Duc more and more fierce. On April 29, 1975, in the final battle of death, the commanders of Vinh Binh sub-area were still frantically bombarding planes, causing heavy damage to part of the Temple. With infinite respect and gratitude to Uncle Ho, the Party Committee, armed forces and people of Long Duc are ready to accept all losses, sacrifices, and fight to protect the Temple. It can be said that the Temple itself has created miraculous power for the Party Committee, army and people of Long Duc; Party Committee, army and people of Tra Vinh town; The Party committee, army and people of Tra Vinh province in the fight, towards the final victory liberating Tra Vinh town, contributing to the liberation of the South and reunification of the country. Every time you enter the campaign,

Uncle Ho's temple has become the pride and symbol of the hearts of Tra Vinh people towards President Ho Chi Minh.

Model of Uncle Ho's house on stilts – Photo: Ngoc Nhung

After the day of reunification, meeting the aspirations of the people, the Party Committee and government of Tra Vinh province repeatedly restored, embellished and built new items according to the planning of a historical relic area - culture associated with tourism function. The entire area of the relic area is nearly 04 hectares, including the main works such as Cover, Exhibition House, Park ...

Nestled under the bamboo ramparts that once protected the Temple, the cover is designed in the form of a bright pink stylized lotus. Inside, the Temple was restored to its humble, simple condition, with a size of 4 x 4 m with a wooden frame, thatched roof, and corrugated iron walls. Here, every Tet holiday, many delegations representing provincial leaders, armed forces and people from all walks of life in Tra Vinh province come to lay wreaths, light incense sticks, and respectfully report to Uncle Ho on the achievements. its latest.

The Exhibition House was built according to the traditional architecture of the nation. In which, many artifacts, pictures and documents help visitors to understand in general about Uncle Ho's active life; the tradition of resilient and indomitable struggle in the resistance war and achievements in the renovation work of the Party Committee and people of Tra Vinh province; the process of building and fighting to protect the Temple.


Park with lotus pond within the relic site. Photo: Ngoc Nhung

The park has a large lotus pond in harmony with a system of trees and ornamental flowers blooming all year round, creating a diverse and attractive entertainment and entertainment area. In particular, the ancient shackles and surrounding bamboo ramparts and the system of trenches and fortifications are witnesses of the process of building and fighting to protect the Temple, which has been restored and preserved seriously and thoughtfully.

In particular, in 2012, according to the plan of the Ho Chi Minh Museum system across the country approved by the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee, a version of Uncle Ho's stilt house with a ratio of 97% compared to the original was erected. in the temple grounds. This is a precious artifact affirming the historical value of the relic site of President Ho Chi Minh's Temple in Tra Vinh in the system of Ho Chi Minh Museum, as well as a special highlight for tourists and the masses of the provinces. The South is more convenient to visit, research and learn about his life and career.

Address: Vinh Hoi Hamlet, Long Duc Commune, Tra Vinh city , Tra Vinh province

Email: ttxtdltravinh@gmail.com


Website: www.dulichtravinh.com.vn


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