Giac Linh Pagoda

Giac Linh Pagoda (commonly called Chua Doi(Bat Pagoda)) is a pagoda of the Mahayana Buddhism.
It is located in Nhut hamlet, My Long Bac commune,Cau Ngang district,over 25 kilometers Southeast of Tra Vinh town.

Althought its area is rather small and its architecture is simple, Giac Linh pagoda is one of rich revolutionary tradition which was closely tied to the history of revolutionary struggle of Tra Vinh province in the period of pre-war. This is “a red address” witnessing the births of My Long Cell of the Party and Cau Ngang District Committee of the Party, and Tra Vinh Provincial Committee of the Party in 1930. Specially, on the 1st September 1943, under the senior revolutionary Duong Quang Dong’s summoning and presiding, the preparatory conference for the re-establishment of Southern Region’s Party Committee after the period of white terror took place right in Giac Linh pagoda. It was at this conference that the revolutionary movement of South Vietnam went on to a new period, and positively prepared the forces and strengths to rise up for the victory in the general struggle of the Revolution of August 1945.

During the two resistance wars against the French colonialism and American imperialism, Giac Linh pagoda was
always a loyal unit, a firm place sheltering Vietnamese soldiers and officials, hiding weapons and revolutionary documents.

In 1998, Giac Linh pagoda was granted to be a national historical – cultural vestige by the Ministry of Culture and Information.

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