Striving for success: Achieving the set socio-economic development goals in 2023

The morning of June 21 saw a conference chaired by Chairman Le Van Han of the Provincial People's Committee, alongside Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, to review the socio-economic development situation in June and the first 6 months of 2023.

Chairing the conference

The province's socio-economic situation remained stable and exhibited positive growth in the first half of the year. Most key indicators showed improvement compared to the same period last year. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the first 6 months is estimated to be 5.74%. The industrial production index increased by 2.61% during this period, with the industrial production value reaching over 3,066 billion dong in the month and 16,813 billion dong in the 6-month period, accounting for 49.65% of the plan and a 6.1% increase. The total retail sales of consumer goods and services reached over VND 4,755 billion in the month and nearly VND 27,748 billion in the 6-month period, accounting for 52.89% of the plan and a 29.14% increase.

The agricultural, forestry, and fishery sectors achieved a production value of approximately 12,361 billion VND, accounting for 41% of the plan and a 0.11% increase compared to the same period last year. Efforts were made to change the crop structure according to production conditions and market demands, promote intensive farming, and adopt scientific and technological advancements, particularly for key crops. The construction of new rural areas received special attention. The total seafood production reached 43,373 tons in the month and 101,749 tons in the 6-month period, accounting for 41.61% of the plan and a 3.52% increase.

Chairman of the People's Committee of Cau Ke District, Tran Phong Ba, speaking at the conference

In terms of budget revenue, the month recorded more than 1,375 billion dong, while the 6-month period saw 9,534 billion dong, reaching 73.99% of the estimate and a 21.04% increase. Budget expenditure in the month amounted to 1,458 billion dong, and in the 6-month period, it reached 4,486 billion dong, accounting for 38.08% of the estimate and a 14.63% increase compared to the same period last year.

The sociocultural field focused on ensuring social security, timely implementation of policies, and the comprehensive reform of education and training. Tourism experienced fair growth, crime prevention efforts achieved important results, and the delivery of troops in 2023 was completed, meeting 100% of the assigned targets. Moreover, Project 06 was implemented with determination.

Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Le Van Han, giving directive speech

Chairman Le Van Han called upon departments, branches, and localities to exert great efforts and determination. Key tasks and outstanding issues should be clearly identified to enable prompt and effective solutions. The aim is to strive for the fulfilment of all targets and tasks set for 2023.

Furthermore, close attention should be paid to budget revenue and expenditure, with adjustments made to the public investment plan in accordance with regulations and capital allocation capacity. Social security must be actively ensured, and efforts should be made to train and allocate human resources to meet the needs of enterprises.

Additionally, the organization of the high school graduation exam in 2023 should strictly follow the regulations and guidance provided by the Ministry of Education and Training. Communication efforts should be intensified to raise awareness and responsibility among students, families, schools, organizations, and communities regarding child drowning prevention and control. Proactive measures should be taken to prevent and control dangerous diseases affecting humans and livestock.

Truc Phuong

Hoang Khiem (Translator)


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